Frank laid in bed for a moment, the blankets were so warm and everything just felt so nice just like this he almost considered just getting up, pulling the curtains closed, and going back to sleep. 

But, the day had started. And as they say, the early bird gets the worm. Plus, was he really gonna waste his spring break away laying in bed and doing nothing all day? When he could be playing dungeons and dragons with his best friend right now? No! Of course not. There's more important things to be done. 

So the dark haired boy pulled himself out of bed, and indeed left the curtains open. Sunshine is nice, he tells himself. Sometimes being healthy requires some pushing, he would quietly mutter as he opens the door to his bathroom, to shower and brush his teeth.

Frank never understood the whole 'shower first thing in the morning' but he forced himself to, he's been trying to be healthy and take care of himself recently. And he supposes laying in bed all day or throwing on the first thing he sees off his floor and calling it good isn't taking care of himself. 

Frank showered, brushed his teeth and his hair, and found some decent clothes. He made his way downstairs, hoping they had some cereal. He paused outside of his mothers door, shifting his weight on his feet for a moment as he thought. She wouldn't be home right now, she would have already left for work. So Frank tentatively pushed open her door, before making his way into her bathroom and rummaging through her drawers.

He found some simple black eyeliner, and smeared some around his eyes with his finger. He leaned back from the mirror for a second, examine his work and smirking, before giving a satisfied huff, pocketing the eyeliner and continuing downstairs on his quest for cereal.

He had his meal, and pretty soon threw some clean clothes in his backpack and was on his way back to Mikey's. He tried to stay calm, but honestly, he couldn't push last night out of his head as he walked. Would Gerard be upstairs today? Would he say anything about it? It was making him pretty anxious, but Frank just shoved the thoughts out of his head and told himself he was being silly. 

* * *

Franks nerves probably were indeed just him being silly, because he didn't even see Gerard once.

Frank got there and Mikey nearly had a heart attack because of course he didn't bother to knock, just let himself in and scared the shit out of his lanky friend. They went up stairs together pretty soon, and big surprise, pulled out the video games. A+ for stereotypical teenage boys.

They hung out for a while but that eventually just resulted in them both laying around Mikey's attic room and being board. Mikey sat on the floor, leaning against the bed and Frank laid sprawled out on his bed, staring at the ceiling. 

Mikey let out a loud dramatic sigh, huffing. There was utterly nothing to do. What a travesty.

"Hey- isn't there woods nearby?" Frank asked curiously, tilting his head so that it flopped over the side of the bed and he could look at Mikey.

D A I S I E S. (frerard, pt1, finished)Where stories live. Discover now