Chapter 7

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"KATNISS HURRY UP WERE ABOUT TO LEAVE" I hear Glimmer yell from downstairs. I quickly grab my bag and kiss Peeta goodbye.

"Bye Katniss I'll be back later tonight so don't wait up for me. Be safe." He says with another kiss.

"Don't worry I'll be okay I promise if I get into any trouble I'll call. I love you" I say exiting the room.

"Took you long enough" I roll my eyes at Glimmer as I finally get down the stairs. Im rushed out the door hence everyones already in the car but me and Glimmer.

"Hey Gale what's the plan for tonight" I say running my hands through my hair.

"Well I was think about taking everyone to my college friend's party, a 21 and over party may I add" he smirks.

"But non of us are over 21 yet" I exchange a confused look with him.

"I beg a differ Mr. Tyler Jacobs" ,He says handing me a fake ID.

"This looks pretty legit for a fake but I'm not sure I wanna break a law" I hand him back the ID.

"Dude it's okay I called my buddy Ricky the master of fake IDs and he's getting us in through the back entrance so we don't have to go through the guards and technically it's not breaking a law unless you get caught". I still don't agree to this but I manage to follow everyone out the door and get into my car. I let Gale drive since he knows where he's going.

We arrive at the outdoor mall in town.

"Holy shit" I mutter as we all pile out of my car. This place is huge! And all my favorite stores are here.

"Girls this is going to be a great rest of the day" Madge says literally tugging my arm off as she pulls me from the parking lot. Annie leads all of us into a small dress boutique.





I sigh at everyone scattering throughout the store picking up dresses by the dozen. I spot a cute sunset orange dress with a tan belt. Hmm I wonder what Peeta might think of this.

"GUYS I NEED AND OPINION ON A DRESS MEET ME BY THE DRESSING ROOMS" I yell because the girls are scattered everywhere around the boutique. Once I close the dressing room curtain behind me I pull off my clothing and slide on the dress. I take one look at myself in the mirror before meeting everyone outside.

"Katniss honey you look amazing" Annie gasps. I attack her with a hug.

"Thanks I try" I tease. Clove comes and twirls me around.

"I love it and Peeta's gonna love it even more!" She smiles.

"I know!" I return the smile. I feel my stomach gurgle along with someone else's.

"Whose hungry cause I am" Everyone raises their hand.

"Okay I saw a sushi place down the block from here ill be really quick" I say running back into the dressing room

Gale parks in a restaurant parking lot next to a huge noisy building. He tells us we are going to that building and we all get out of the car. He takes us through the alley between the building and the restaurant to a door.

"Guys here are your IDs if anyone asks they are REAL" he tells the other guys handing them their fake IDs.

"Josh Mickleson is that the best you could do?" Marvel says staring at his ID.

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