Chapter 5

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Madge helps me curl the last strand of hair.

"Katniss, Peeta is going to not be able to control himself tonight I hope you know that" she teases.

"Madge stop what about Gale his favorite color is blue and look at your amazing dress I helped you pick out" she looks at me and we both start laughing.

"Guys let's go before we are late" Fox yells from downstairs. I finish up my outfit by adding diamond earrings, a diamond necklace, and a bracelet that has clear pearls on them. I take one last look in the mirror.

"Wow" I say out loud. I look amazing I look flawless and I can't believe how pretty I look.

I finish tying my tie and meet the guys who are already at the door.

"Come on Mellark" Thresh says eagerly opening the door. We pile into my car and drive off to school. We get there and I pull into the parking lot.

"So am I the only one that's nervous?" I question.

"No I'm over here sweatin like balls and so is Cato" says Marvel.

"Suck it up guys" Finnick laughs shaking his head. From the looks of it the girls haven't made it yet so we head into the gym.

"Wow this place looks great!" Cato hollers.

"Guys lets wait for the girls so we can get our pictures taken" Gale waits in line. The gym has turned into a winter wonderland there is snowflakes everywhere and in the middle of the gym lays a huge ice statue. When I turn to talk to Gale I am stunned locking my eyes onto the most beautiful girl walking through the door with her friends.

"K-Katniss you look stunningly" I say in awe.

"Thank you not so bad yourself" she smirks. I lean in to kiss her and she smiles again.

"I have something for you" I say pulling out a corsage that has white flowers on it to match her dress.

"Thank you Peeta" she smiles as I put it on her wrist. She kisses me on the cheek leaving her beet red.

He held me close to him the whole time we were in line waiting to take or picures.

"NEXT"she shouts.

"You guys get 2 pictures" she shouts once again.

Peeta and I take a normal picture with him holding my waist. The next one we take a picture of us standing face to face looking into each others eyes.

"Thank you" we both say leaving. A guy sitting next to a printer hands us our pictures. They look so adorable!

"Ready to dance" Peeta says dragging me to the dance floor.
All the loud crazy songs stop and a slow song plays.

"Mrs. Everdeen may I have this dance" Peeta says kissing my hand. I nod smiling. He brings me closer to him wrapping my arms around his neck and him holding my waist. I can see Annie and Finnick, Cato and Clove, Glimmer and Marvel ,Madge and Gale, and Thresh and Alison all enjoying their time together.

"Katniss I can't believe your mine I don't love you... Because I'm in love with you" he says looking down at me.

"Im in love with you too Peeta". If I could just express how happy I feel right now I would. We said we loved each other for the first time, even if it's been 2 months since we started dating it feels like forever. I see an older lady walking up to the stage with a huge neon green wig.

"Attention, Attention everybody now to Announce the Winter Formal King and Queen....Drum roll please...... KATNISS EVERDEEN AND PEETA MELLARK!".

"OMG KATNISS WE WON" I shout. I scoop her up and carry her bridal style onto the stage were we are crowned King and Queen.

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