Chapter 4

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I wake up to the cold feeling of ice water hitting my face.

"WHAT THE HELL" I spring up to see Finnick Marvel and Thresh laughing their butts off in the corner of my room.

"Get up your gonna be late" Thresh says throwing the empty bucket my way.

"Is Katniss going today" I question. Finnick looks down at his phone.

"Yep and so are you now get up" he says walking closer.

"Nope I'm not going I hurt Katniss and I don't wanna see her like that nor do I wanna run into Alex along the way" I say laying back down and covering my face with a damp pillow.

"Well guess what Peeta man up and go apologize to her" he says pulling me out of my bed.

"You guys really suck" I groan walking to the bathroom.

I walk into the running shower. I really don't wanna go to school! How could Alex be so jealous after shes the one that basically ended it between us. Now with everything thats happened I don't know if Katniss will wanna be friends still. After my shower I put on a pair of jeans and a green t-shirt. I grab my backpack from my desk. I make my way down the wooden staircase walking to the door.

"Ready to leave?" I ask as I place my hand on the knob.

"Yep lets go" Marvel says following with the others
(Group Text)

Peeta: Guys can I ask you something it's important.

Annie: Fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!

Glimmer: NO ONE LIKES YOU!!!

Fox: Leave everyone alone Peeta!

Madge: ..... (Dead silence from Madge is bad)

Gale: Depends.....

Finnick: Sure

Thresh: I guess

Marvel: Sure.....?

Cato: What do you want now

Clove: No go away!

Peeta: I didn't mean anything from yesterday Alex was the one that kissed me and I hated every second of it and I'm sorry so if you can I need to talk to Katniss somehow I have a surprise planned for her at lunch can you keep it a secret?

Finnick: Atleast you can man up and fix your problems

Gale: I guess you secrets safe

Cato: Yea

Marvel: Fine

Thresh: Yes

Fox: I guess

Glimmer: I don't promise anything

Madge: ............

Clove: 🔪

Peeta: Clove I said sorry!!

Clove: I know I just like knives 🔪🔪

Annie: Hey Peeta would you rather be burned alive or shocked to death?

Peeta: 😑

Peeta: Thank you for most of your guises help


He likes you? No its just pity. What could a girl like you have to give to a guy like that. He looks like a model and you look like you live in the slums of California. He keeps staring at me from his locker down the crowded hall, his shattered heart shows through those bright blue eyes of his.

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