Illusions: Part 7

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"June!", Izzy called through my door.

"What?", I asked.

"Come on, bae. Open the door", April cooed.

"No", I dead-panned.

"Pretty please?", Izzy pleaded.


"I'll tell you why I didn't tell you", Izzy said. I sighed.

"Ok", and I went to the door and opened it.

"Gods", April hugged me, "We thought you were never going to talk to us again".

"I didn't plan on it", I mumbled, "Where's Joe?".

"We told him to come later", Izzy said. I just have her a look.

"What? We wanted some time with our girl", Izzy pouted. I smiled.

"Ok. Now spill", I told her. Izzy sighed and then started.

"My parents are divorced. It was around 5 years ago. Isaac and I were 9 years old. Even though we were twins of different genders, we were inseparable. I know, shocker!

"But we were the total opposite. I used to go for football practise and he had art classes. When boys used to pick on him, calling him a sissy and what not, I was his brute force.

"We were always like that, and we liked it. When our parents told us that they were getting divorced, our only fear was that they would separate us too. That night, we slept hugging each other, crying our hearts out. We kept telling each other that we would love each other no matter what.

"We also planned our grand escape, but little did we know that we wouldn't even have another night together. My Mom left with me and my Dad left with Isaac.

"They sent us to the same school thinking that they could mend our relationship and give us time to bond again. I was so happy, remembering our last night.

"I had all sorts of dreams and stories ready in my head. We would see each other and, like in cliché movies, we would hug and then spend loads of time together, talking about life and random shit.

"Then we would tell each other how we had waited for the other these five years, and tell each other how we had not forgotten our promise that we would love each other no matter what.

"And then, my biggest sense of pride, was that I would be able to stand up for him again. I'll let you know, I pride myself for my physical strength. But what I didn't expect was for Isaac to hit puberty so early", Izzy sighed after her long story. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"So you stopped talking because...? Because he hit puberty early?", I asked, confused. Both Izzy and April burst out laughing.
"Oh my Gods, no!", Izzy laughed. Then she sighed.

"We stopped taking because he left me. The first day of school, I searched high and low for him. I finally found him in the same class as me for the third period. The whole period I was bouncing on my chair.

"I could literally see his his messy brown mop of hair two rows in front of me. When the bell rang, I had never been more glad in my life!

"I ran up to him, calling out his name. He didn't respond. I should've taken the hint, but I felt that Isaac would never ignore me. When I finally caught up with him, I put my hand on his shoulder.

He immediately shrugged it off, but he looked at me. 'What do you want?', he asked. I was so shocked. My dreams shattered right there. 'Isaac...', I tried again. 'I know we had that twin shit. But believe me, in this school, I don't know you and you don't know me', he said, right in my face and walked away. My heart broke that day.

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