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Bella's P.O.V

I don't know where I am.All I see around me is just trees.It's looks like I'm in a forest only God know wheres.

I am scared.I start to walk around to find any way out of this place.I keep walking and walking but I can't find any way out.

Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder.I was surprised and quickly turn around to see what is it.

I see a person.I don't know whether the person is a guy or a woman cause the person is wearing a black cap,black jeans and black hoodie.The person suddenly started to speak.

"Just be happy and enjoy your life before it's too late,"

I am confused.By the sound of the voice I can tell that it's a guy.But I don't understand what he's talking about.And who is this guy?

"W-who are you?"I ask.

But the guy didn't reply to my question and he suddenly disappear.I am seriously confused right now.


Jimin's P.O.V

I opened the front door of my house to see the television is on.I walk to the living room and see Bella sleeping on the couch.

I kneel down in front of her and look at her face.She looks so peaceful.Just looking at her can make me smile.I can't believe that she's my daughter.But I didn't regret making her my daughter.I love her,not like that love but I love her like my own daughter.

I strokes her hair softly and carelessly."Bella..."I said slowly.

"Jimin?"She said opening her eyes.I just smiled at her.

She suddenly attack me with a hug.I laugh and hug her back.

"I miss you.."

Bella's P.O.V

"I miss you.."I said to Jimin while hugging him.

"I miss you too,love.."

"Why are you sleeping here with the television still on?"Jimin asked."Well,I was watching some K-Dramas a few hours ago and then I fall asleep,"I said giggling.

"You're probably tired now since you just get back.You should get a rest.I'll wake you up for dinner,"I said standing up.Jimin also do the same."Yah,since when did you know how to cook?"he said smirking at me.

I didn't know how to cook.The only thing that I know how to cook is ramen.I just smile like an idiot at him.

"Just order some takeout"He said.

"Okay..what do you want?"I ask."I don't care.What you eat,I eat,"He answer."Okay..now go rest,"I said pushing him toward the stairs.He just chuckle and went upstairs to his room.

"So...what to do now?"I said to myself.

I went upstairs to Jimin's room.I knock on the door but didn't get any answer.I thought Jimin must be really tired.I open the door to see Jimin sleeping on his bed.I walk to his bed and sit beside on the bed.

I look at Jimin.I didn't want to wake him up cause he looks so peaceful.I then noticed that he is shirtless.I am used to it since I live in the same house with him.

"Jimin.."I said.

His eyes start fluttering open."Huh.."He said."Do you want to eat Jimin?"I ask softly."Y-yes just wait me downstairs,"He said starting to get up.I then hold his hand from getting up."It's okay..just wait here.I'll get the food,"I said.

"No,it's okay,I can get up,"

"No,no,no.You wait here,I'll get it for you,"I said sternly.Jimin sigh then nodded his head.

I leave his bedroom and go downstairs to get the food.I then bring the food upstairs to Jimin's room.

I see that Jimin has already put on his shirt.I bring the food to his bed."Here,eat them,"I said.

"Thank you,Bella,"He said to me smiling.I just reply it with a smile.

I just watch him eat."You're not eating?"He suddenly ask."It's okay,I'll eat later,"I reply smiling.

"Here,eat some,"he said asking me to eat his food."Nah,it's okay..just eat it,"I refused.He didn't listen to me and shoved the food in my mouth.

"Yah!"I said chewing and swallow the food.Jimin chuckle and continue to eat his food.

"Bella..,"Jimin suddenly speak.

"Yes?"I said looking at him."Tomorrow,I'm planning to bring you to the mall,"he said looking at me in the eyes.

"Huh?For what?"I said giving a confused look.

"I just feel like bringing you out.And you can buy new clothes or anything you like,"he said smiling.I just gave him a confused look.Why does he suddenly want to bring me to mall and will buy anything I want?

"O-okay..,"I said making he smile.

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