Love Hurts

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Author's Note: One more chapter after this. Thanks for reading!

Killian, your phone is ringing... 'Do Not Call Her'," Belle laughed as she came from the break room, where he had left it earlier, and handed it to him.

Killian swallowed hard as he took it from her. He tried so hard not to to think of her, not to miss her but lord knows he did. When he put the phone up to his ear, he tried to sound as impassive as he could. He couldn't let her know how much he needed her. When he heard he say his name, his bleedin' heart sank deep in his chest. He could tell how much she was hurting, but he had to be strong. He didn't want to risk another heartbreak. It tore at him as he spoke and when she told him that she missed him, he was about two seconds away from just leaving the agency to find her, but it took everything in him not to. After he hung up, he realized Belle had been watching him with her arms crossed.

"I don't want to hear it, lass," he said with a sigh.

"I didn't say anything. But you don't really expect me to believe any of what you just said to her, do you?"

"It doesn't matter, it had to be said. I have to move on."

Bell shrugged as a knowing smile fell upon her lips. Even she knew he could truly get over Emma, but she didn't say another word about it. As the night went on, people came in and made donations and met the children. They provided a buffet of food and drinks, nothing fancy but so far, it was a big turn out. Meanwhile, he tried to get Emma out of his head, but ultimately failed. He stood in the back of the room looking at his phone.

"You're thinking of calling her back, aren't you?" Belle asked him as she approached.

Killian sighed. "Aye."

"Look, Killian, I think you should just go over to her place and have a long chat. You both obviously miss each other and I think you could work things out."

"But Belle, I can't just go back to being just friends or... whatever you call what we were doing before. I can't even look at her without wanting everything... a future, marriage, kids, the whole nine yards and I don't think I'll ever be able to have that with her. Apparently there's something wrong with me. I can't get a lass to settle down with. I mean look at out how things turned out with Milah."

Belle let out a light laugh. "There's nothing wrong with you, Killian. And actually, there's something I should probably tell you."

Killian looked at her with an arched brow. "What is it, love?"

Belle sucked in a deep breath as her features became more serious. "Well, the other day, when you weren't here, Gold came in."

Killian's jaw clenched at his name.

"He came in to apologize to you."

"I don't want to hear anything he had to say," Killian mumbled as he looked ahead with his arms crossed.

"I know, but let me finish. He broke it off with Milah and said he couldn't go through with  the wedding. And I knew that you would never buy anything he had to say, so I told him to tell me what he would say to you. And he gave me this long, heartfelt speech-"

"It's all a bunch of crap, Belle. That man doesn't give a crap about me."

"I think he does and I know there's nothing I could say for you to believe that, but what I wanted to tell you was..." Belle started to fidget with her fingers nervously. "You're probably going to hate me, but... Gold kind of asked me out... and I kind of said yes."

Killian looked at her, stunned.

"Look, I know what you're thinking, but he seemed very sincere and sweet and it's only one date... But if you don't want me to, I won't. The last thing I want is for you to feel like I betrayed you."

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