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Author's Note: Thank you all for reading. I will be skipping ahead a bit as far as the past timeline goes but I will get to their reunion and how they started the 'friends with benefits' eventually. I've mentioned it in this chapter but I will go further in depth later on. There's a method behind my madness, I promise, but I will try to make it at as less confusing as possible.

Warning: Minor character death in this chapter.

As Killian walked out of a local twenty-four hour pizza shop, he asked himself, for probably the millionth time, why he had accepted the agreement he had going with his best friend? He was having the most incredible sex of his life with someone who was his oldest and closest friend in the world, without the responsibilities of being an actual boyfriend, and that was all fine and dandy, except for one thing: he had been in love with her since before he even knew what love was. So, why did he agree to this in the first place? The first time had been a spur of the moment thing that neither of them had planned, but after that, he should have stopped it.

If he ever lost her because of this, he would only have himself to blame. Not that she was an innocent party; in fact, their arrangement was all her idea to begin with. But still, he knew exactly what he was getting himself into. Her rules were simple and clear, and she had no intentions of starting a romantic relationship with him- or anyone else for that matter. He supposed that's what made it so perfect for her; she got her sexual needs met whenever she wanted, without any romantic commitments involved, and with the added security of knowing that Killian would never leave her. And she knew that he would do absolutely anything to please her, which he would, and he wanted nothing more than to please her. He wanted nothing more than to spend time with her and to be there for her. So why did he feel cheated?

He walked the short distance around the corner to Emma's loft, and went up to the second floor. He reached into his pocket for his keys and unlocked the door. She wasn't home yet, but she had texted him saying that she and were roommates were on their way. He came in and set the pizza box on the counter and started the coffee pot.

Emma and her roommates walked in not a minute later. They took off their jackets, hanging them on the coat rack and scattered; Elsa into her room, Ruby into the bathroom and Emma into the kitchen.

"Morning, Swan."

"Good morning." She looked at the pizza box on the counter curiously, walking to the other side of the kitchen island. "What's this?"

Killian walked back to the island across from her and leaned his hands on the counter.

"It's called food, love."

Emma looked interested, but her words and body betrayed her as she walked over to grab a mug from the cupboard and poured herself some coffee.

"Killian, you know I don't eat breakfast."

"Yes, I'm well aware, but it's not breakfast, it's pizza."

"Yeah, at seven in the morning," She said, taking a sip from her mug as she leaned her back against the counter

"Emma, what time did you eat today?" He asked with a genuinely concerned expression.

"I ate at three this morning," She answered matter-of-factly.

"And let me guess, you had an apple and a bag of Lays potato chips. Am I right?"

Emma took another sip, trying to hide the guilty look on her face with her coffee mug.

"An apple and Doritos," She replied after she swallowed.

Killian sighed. She always had a tendency to forget about eating when she was at work.

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