Chapter 16 - Time of Death

Start from the beginning

Although Tiger Claw had wanted more than anything to stick around and make the surviving turtles pay for all of the damage that their loathsome brother had caused, the giant cat had realized that he was in no condition to take on anyone. Especially not three livid ninja turtles who would no doubt want to avenge their fallen brother.

Gathering up what little had remained of his strength and his pride, Tiger Claw had glared down at the dead turtle's body one last time, and then, at the turtles' leader before staggering away in defeat. The mutant feline would get his reckoning another day. Besides, the broken and shattered look upon the blue-masked warrior's face as he stared at his deceased brother had been retribution enough to tide Tiger Claw over until that day came.

As soon as the enemy was out of sight, Leo's attention veered back down to Donnie and the leader snapped out of whatever immobilizing trance had a hold on him. Once the majority of his senses were back in working order, Leonardo's first response was to mentally berate himself for freezing up like some scared little kid when he should have been taking action. His next response was to run towards Donnie's stock-still form and drop down to his knees beside his little brother.

Without another moment's hesitation, Leo rolled Donnie onto his carapace and he instantly noticed the bluish tint of his little brother's lips. The oldest turtle reached out a shaky hand and nervously pressed his fingertips against the side of his brother's windpipe, trying to find a pulse.


There was no rise and fall of his chest. There was no movement. There was nothing.

No! He isn't dead! Donnie can't be dead!

Leonardo's own pulse accelerated to an unhealthy level and his breathing began to quicken to the point that he was practically panting, nearing hyperventilation.

With unsteady hands, Leo pried open Donnie's mouth and hovered his face centimeters above his younger brother's lips. He couldn't hear the nauseating rattling in his genius brother's lungs like he had before, nor could he feel the warmth of his brother's breath against his cheek. That was because his brother wasn't breathing.


"Donnie!" Leo cried out, knowing full well that his brother couldn't actually hear him. The reaction had just been a byproduct of panic.

Trying his darnedest to stay calm, Leo put one of his hands over the top of the other and intertwined his fingers together. He then placed the heel of his bottom hand down on the center of Donnie's already battered plastron and began chest compressions.

It was at this dire moment, when all seemed to be at its darkest, that Leonardo's other two brothers finally made their way up to the top of the building. The turtle in blue could hear the dread in their voices as they began to call out for him, but he did his best to block them out so that he could continue to concentrate on reviving his genius brother.

At least a couple of years had passed since Donnie had taught his three brothers how to do CPR. Leonardo remembered that he and his other two brothers had rolled their eyes when their brainy sibling had insisted on training them on the quote, vital emergency procedure, unquote. The oldest turtle also vividly recalled that, upon seeing all of them roll their eyes, Donnie had lectured them about the importance of safety and being prepared for anything. After a whole lot of grumbling and complaining, the three of them had eventually agreed to humor their safety-conscious brother and endure the lesson, knowing that Donatello was only doing it for their own good and that the procedure could potentially save one of their lives someday.

Little did the genius turtle know, he would be the one who would inevitably need the life-saving techniques that he had forced them to learn . . .

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