Chapter 10 part 2

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That.. that is just.. that makes me wanna curl up in a corner and die.

"Im so sorry babe! It was an accident! It meant nothing. Please, please forgive me. I love you! <3 :)"

Pfft. Yeah right, an accident?!

How could he even want to hurt somebody so badly?

If he was trying he definitly made great progress!

Darcy ran over to me and looked at the laptop scream. She gasped as if her life depended on it.

I just let the tears fall harder and faster.

I decided i would reply to Harry.

:How could you even want to hurt somebody that badly Harry? Even if you love me or not! what? It was an accident that i found out or an accident that were over?

I clicked on tweet and just cried harder. Thats it. Im not going out with the 1/5 of Britains hottest boyband anymore. It really wasnt my fault any way. Who would do that?

'Babe. Dont worry. Hes just getting too full of himself and he thinks that just because hes famous he can get a girlfriend, cheat on her with some slut who obviously doesnt care about hurting your feelings an then he'll say sorry, thinking you'll want him back because he's famous and every teenage girl, or Caroline in this situation would want him back and just forgive him that easy!' Darcy said in one big strip of words. 

'What!? He cheated on you?!' Poppy screamed jumping up from the couch and running over to the laptop.

'That is. That is just. Has a PRICK!' she shouted looking open mouthed at the screen. I just giggled.

'Guys. Let him. He obviously is bored of me. I really dont care. Why would i want to go out with him after he cheated on me? And as for that girl. She has to know who i am!' i muttered. I really did care. My heart was shredding into tiny pieces each minute.

And what hurts me even more is that he did it behind my back. He probably was gonna keep it a secret but then saw that there was picture proof and decided to act like the good guy and "confess" and that really just sickens me!

How would anybody, seriously, want to hurt somebody so badly?

'Aoife. Were here for you no matter what!' Jess saud giving me a hug.

'Thanks.' i mumbled. Im sure my eyes were all red and puffy by now. All the girls were sat back down, looking guilty and sorry. It wasnt their fault!

'Guys dont worry. Im fine. I cant make him love me!' i sighed and just played the movie. Even tough i really wasnt concentrating on the movie, all i could think about was that picture. It was rotten.

Harry had his hands either side of her head, she was leaning against the wall with her legs around her waist.. STOP! You need to stop thinking about Harry! He doesnt love you anymore and you dont love him anymore!

... who am i kidding. I love Harry, i do. But i have to let him go for my own sake. I cant trust him anymore.

I got a reply off Harry.

"What? Were just over because i made the biggest, stupidest mistake in my life. I really will never forgive myself, so i hope you do. You deserve better anyway. Your beautiful and funny and i really do love you, but you dont love me so i better just let you go. love you, Harry <3 x"

He is so annoying! He knows what hes doing. He knows he being so utterly and completely cute, that ill want him back. God. Ughh...

I better just reply.

"We'll have to talk when you come back. I do love you Harry.. but i just cant trust you anymore. im sorry, i cant forgive you. You litterly broke my heart into tiny pieces and only you can mend that. But sorry cant just make everything better."

I decided i was going to be harsh on him. If he really does want me back, he'll have to prove how much he wants me. I was serious. I did no x's no <3's just fullstop "." and i really wanted to but i cant let him off the hook.

Any chances are he could get back with me and go cheat on me again, i really am not up for that.

If that happened to me anymore, i swear my heart couldnt cope and my body would just shut down forever.

There was a bleep.

Darcy took her phone out of her pocket.

'Guys. Nialler text me. It says: Hello baby.. da da da da da... here. Harrys really fucked with himself. He said he was going to quit the band and he actually wasnt joking. But being the great guys we are we convinced him not to! :D He is really pale and had to go to the doctors like an hour ago. Just tell Aoife for me. He really does love her and he said he'll never forgive himself. Cant wait to see you a.... blah blah.. Yeah. So Aoife. What you gonna do?' she asked looking up at me.

I just looked at the tv and then back to her.

'If he really wants me back, he'll have to prove it. He cant just go hook up with some girl and then say sorry and come back kissing me!' i screeched. The tears started to fall again.

'Its okay baby!' Jess said giving me a hug.

No. Its really not okay. Not for me anyway!

Smile --- (A One Direction Fanfic :)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora