chapter 8

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I got a text.

Harry <3

Hello my sweetie pie! what are you two doing? please reply its important! love you <3 Hazza xx

'Awwh! Hes so adorable!' i sighed.

'Aren't you gonna reply?' she asked me.

'Well duh!' i started typing.

"hello my handsome man! were at home, doing nothing. love you too! A <3 xx"

'I think they want to do something with us, Darc.'


'I dont. Know, clutz!' i flicked her on the arm and she squeaked a little.

My phone beeped on the bed and she grabbed it and stood up.

'Oooaaoooh! It reads, me and the boys are going to the beach, if yous wanna come we'll pick you up. Love you gorgeous, missing you! Hazza xx <3'

'Can i've my phone back now?' i sighed.

'Yep!' she threw my phone at me and i replied.

"yeah, were up for it. come round whenever! you can just ask my dad where our house is or look it up. Im sure its on the internet! :P love you, A <3 xx"

'Get changed. They'll be here soon!' we squealed together. 'Were off to the beach!'

I ran into the walk in wardrobe.

I changed out of this,

and into this

Darcy changed out of this

and into this

'Aren't we stunners!'she giggled.

'We are indeed!' i joked back with her.'Have we got everything we need?'

'Um..i think so!'

The doorbell went and we grabbed the bag and ran down the two flights of stairs. When i opened the door all the boys were standing there smiling.

'Were ready!' me and Darcy shouted in unison.

'Okay! Lets go!' Louis shouted skipping down the path.

Harry grabbed my hand and smiled at me.

'Your looking stunning. Aren't i a lucky ducky!' he chuckled.

'My man's looking hot!' i shouted the last word and everybody looked at me. Me and Harry burst out laughing.

'Your house is huge!' he looked up and down, almost like checking it out.

'You can get any sort of house anytime!' i looked at him and he looked at me.

'To the beach!' he shouted and ran down the road with me.

Smile --- (A One Direction Fanfic :)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora