I Am Now

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I am now the oldest I've ever been and the youngest I'll ever be in my expansion.
I'm appreciative to know that my reality is a manifestation of my focused attention and
that I'll always have the opportunity to change the bits that no longer serves me purpose.
I am the most powerful creator of my existence, with every thought,  action,  and feeling being a match to my vibration.  I can choose to reinvent myself in every present situation.  There is nothing that I need to do, I see the contrast of my reality as a reflection of my own beliefs, and I can do with it as I see it fit.

With every day inspiring the new preferences of my desires,  I hold my head up high and pay no attention to delusional characters. I understand that everyone has the right to be who they chose to be,  so I appreciate the variety of contrast that their existence provides me.

Now is the best time I'll ever have,  for now, is every moment of my conscious process.  Every aware thought I have from the past,  present or future is now, and I am the only one in charge of the when what and how.  These thoughts don't have a mind of their own, I'm the only one giving life to them as I go.

I have nothing to lose but all to gain when I chose to focus my attention to what serves me absolute purpose, and to that which makes me feel pleasure. I owe no one explanation,  nor I need anyone's validation for my happiness. I can only be responsible for what I say and not for what people hear,  I am in no obligation to make sense to the ones I value dear.

I can only motivate and inspire by my own example, and I can't be held accountable for others expansion or manifestations.  We are as we always have been,  wonderful co-creators each other's reality. 

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