I Will Never Let Them Hurt You.

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 I will never let them hurt you.

Frank’s POV

This day was a bad day. Well, not that bad, but yeah… A bad enough Wednesday for me to come back home depressingly angry. As soon as I got home, my father started shouting at me because I didn't answer him before leaving for school, and since I still wouldn’t be answering, he got even more furious at every not-answered question he asked.

I went to my room and slammed the door. His questions were all a different version of: Are you going to sport today?

I had a load of work to do, and that's why I was supposed to skip it today. I hated sport, but my father forced me to do a different one every year.

Because he was angry with me, I knew he would take his revenge, forcing me to go anyway. "Prepare yourself for sport now." I was right.

I went out of my bedroom, to the living room. "Dad! Grow up! This is damn immature, I've got homework!"

"This is not up for discussion." He said a devilish grin on his face.

"Screw you then." I mumbled, and turned to see if he had heard me. I started breathing again when I saw he was watching TV.

Except for these kinds of talks, my father and I really didn't talk a lot. I hated him, and he knew it. That's why every time he talked to me he did everything possible to piss me off and to make me shout, so he had reason to be a dick to me even more.

Of course I went to sport. I couldn't do anything against what my father says.

I played Tennis and I think I was not too bad since I won a lot...

So yeah, I went to the sports hall and began the game with a weird guy with glasses. I think his name was Mickey, or Moikey or something like that, I don't know. He was really quiet, had no facial expression, and some kind of weird knees. I was myself really weird, so I wouldn't judge him on that. I didn't see him much in here, and it was the first time I played against him, so I was quite surprised when I realized he was winning so far.

So um, he won, and I truly hated the feeling I had when I was losing. It usually really pissed me off. But this time was different, because I saw him. He was sitting on the stands as always.

I stared at him for like one whole minute without blinking until I noticed I had stopped breathing. --Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, every time I have a kind of strong, intense feeling, my breathing stops... Imagine when my virgin body will taste sex? It could get really dangerous, I don't want to die a fucking virgin.-- So yeah the boy. I felt weird every time I was seeing him...

I quit looking at him when the weird knees guy poked my shoulder. "Well played, dude!"

"Yeah thank you, you won though. I don't see you often here..?"

"Well I-"

"Kids, come here!" The coach said. "Ok. As you know, there's a big competition on Sunday, and I've got to say, we count on you Mikey!" Oh there was how we pronounced his name. "I want you all to be on your top game ok? Ok. You can leave now."

I look back to the stands and the boy was staring in my direction.

"Is he your crush, Frank?" Mikey said softly.

"What? I don't get what you-"

"-Come on, I smelt your homosexuality from the other side of the place. Admit it or not, you have a gay side." I didn't answer, he was too right. How did he know? I mean, I only told Dallon… And well I thought I was doing a good job at not showing it. "Whatever, this dude you were looking at, he's my brother, his name is Gerard." He said with his hand on my shoulder. "And I don't know anything about his sexuality orientation!" He laughed. He laughed. He actually could change his facial expression.

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