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After the initial shock of where we were James located the blue print on the wall you know the just in case of an emergency exit sign. Instead this one showed emergency exits to a place called the safe room ! . Every room on the map from the second to the first floor had a hall that lead directly to it . Inside there were three books on the tablet and a small shower room in the back . With big bold letters in case of an emergency could be read on the cover of the books. Dizziness, nausea, fatigue, and nose bleeds was the first chapter . All the side effects of being exposed to radiation . How much exactly ? We don't really know but what we do know is that this place is a nuclear power plant! One leaking radiation at that. The directions were simple or all we could manage at the time. Take a shower , change clothes ,put on the suits we saw all over the place and take the drugs that could be found in the first aid kit and the suits . Potassium iodide tablets could be found in the pockets of the suits everything else that was found in the first aid kit I couldn't even pronounce. Now we wait to see if it worked. With Taco out of commission we couldn't really leave at this time anyway . Carrying him would slow us down too much and we didn't have the energy to spare. Leaving him was not something to even be considered .We all had our strengths and that's what we relied on. Also with the loss of all energy this safe room is what's needed . Recovery is a must, if not then it all ends here.

"I've never heard of a room that can stop the effects of radiation ."
Blurted out Janet

"Me either but then again I've never had my room taken from my home and put in some one else's either " responded Jeff

" He's right some things we would deem impossible are possible now . All we can do now is what we've been doing and that's move with caution. Something will turn up in our favor we just have to find it like always. " I added

" Taco's coming to " said Janet
He looked worn out. His eyes opened slowly then he spoke

"What.... what happened to me ? " he asked.

" Well we might have to start off by answering where are we to explain what happened to you first "
Replied James .

Jeff helped Taco into a sitting position as James explained everything to him . He looked in total disbelief as the story unfolded. Everyone else listened close like they were hearing it for the first time as well. I guess to see if James noticed anything they didn't . It all sounded like a horror story and when he finished everyone just stood in deep thought . It was a painful reminder of where we were. Me personally I was fresh out of ideas . Nothing would work anyway due to the fact we can't leave this room . The pressure is on ! From all sides literally . It's not by chance that the safe room pulled us deeper into this dead zone . Not only that I believe it was a set up. The rain slammed into our bodies and distracted us from the real reason we became fatigued . All the while we kept moving and didn't realize where we were until it was too late ! Then we had to take this last option! With that in mind and the look on everyone elses faces , it didn't take rocket science to figure out what everyone was thinking . How the hell do we get out of this one ?!

" We need to tear this room apart ! " I said

" What " said Janet

" We need to rip this room apart ! We need to search this room from top to bottom and try to find something that could help us get out of this situation . Standing around won't help us any and we also have a limited amount of food. We have to get out of this place and we need to do it quick. The longer we stay here the faster our resources will run out then we'll starve!" I replied

Everyone got up and started looking . For what exactly we don't know , but from what I can see it changed the moral of the group. Looking for something rather than sitting around with lots of time to think about how we are going to die was what we needed. If there's one thing this place has taught us its how to survive and to keep pushing ! James turned over a table after all the boxes were empty . He searched the edges to see if anything was hidden. Liz followed suit and knocked all the books off the shelves ,while Janet got a chair and looked on top . Taco tore pages from a book out of desperation . It seemed as though we had nothing until Sterling spoke up.

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