Blind Sight

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Chapter Two

We all sat and waited as Taco wrote in his book. I could tell everyone's mind was riddled with thought; it was dead silent. There wasn't anything you could hear but the cracking from the fire place and the graphite from Taco's pencil as it touched the paper. I couldn't help but think all this food organized and new! Sterling had pointed out the meat, which was packed in deep freezers, barely had any frost on them; which means it was packed not too long ago. Although it was just food I noticed something strange.
"Hey pass me one of those beers all the way to the left?" I said.

"Can it wait, besides haven't you had enough beer?" said Janet sternly.

"I don't intend to drink it, rather I need to have a look" I replied.

Taco grabbed one and handed it to me. It was all too familiar.

"My buddy brews this beer. He tried his hand at it and it came out like swamp juice, said some friends, but I liked it. So he makes it for me, exclusively for me and now........ It's here".

This could only mean one thing, whoever put us here was watching us before they took us. Were we exclusively selected? What is the purpose of this whole thing!? There isn't even a note or anything. Maybe this is some type of revenge for something we've done earlier in life but we may never know! What is known is that we were meant to stay in this place which leads me to leave it.

"We have 365 days' worth of food stored and there seems to be a.... well can't tell how deep but considering the amount of food, then I'd venture to guess the same" said Taco.

I could tell that the number surprised everyone, but before I could say anything Janet spoke up.

"So what happens after a year? I couldn't even spend a night in this place and feel safe."

She had broken the ice on the getting the fuck out of here topic, so I went full speed ahead.

"The comfort of our own rooms and a healthy supply of food and the death fog outside encourages us to stay inside that's their plan. So we need to do the opposite and leave!"

I could tell Sterling was waiting to see what the majority of the group would say, then he would agree. On the other hand, I had to win James over, besides he looks to be just as strong as me but even more so; he's a mechanic! I looked at James as I spoke.

"If we stay here, we would have to agree with whatever purpose the people who brought us here has for us. It's obvious they want us to stay for a reason. I say we don't! Now look, we opened the door and saw that fog as the door got quickly shut some got in. Even touched two of us but no one has turned green or gotten sick which tells you what? Its harmless and I'm willing to prove that very fact!"

Liz shook her head in disapproval. "Leave and go where, Mr. I got a half ass plan?" The answer was all too simple.

"Home, Liz where we belong."

That one word seemed to convince everyone and gave me the leverage I needed. We all had places we needed to be, jobs to work and family that cared for us. We have a purpose and it isn't here. It didn't take long for everyone to agree, now we needed a game plan.

"It's obvious we will need supplies. Let's face it, we don't know where we are and how long it will take us to get home, so we need to prepare for the long run. That being said, my room is exactly how it was back home so in my closet should be two hikers packs. What we need to do is stop by every room and clean them out, every little thing. We need useful supplies and nothing more" I said.

We all stood up, no one started walking until we were all ready. This is good! To see us moving like a unit, showed how we trusted one another with our wellbeing; safety in numbers. I lead the way and suggested that James take the rear with Sterling in front of him and Jeff behind me with the girls in the middle. We already had a formation. Well, naturally we would want to protect the ladies, its only right. We walked up the steps looking around at everything, very much on guard. Things got militant quickly and for a good reason. "Let's go to my room first. This way we can see how much stuff we can bring based upon room in the packs."

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