"Kaya? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Usopp... Uh- I just," she looked around trying to find an escape," Bathroom! Yeah- I have to go use the bathroom."

Nami stood up as well. "I'll come with you."

Sweat dripped down Kaya's face. "You really don't have to, Nami-san."

"I've already decided." She grabbed her bag and left her seat and made way over to her. "We'll be back soon."



Kaya hung her head feeling out of place as they walked over to the laboratory then Nami suddenly hooked arms with her. Her nervousness cooled off when Nami flashed her a grin.

"Chin up. Pretty girls should always hold their heads up high- unless you're busy admiring your shoes."

Kaya nodded and gave her a sheepish smile; very appreciative at the compliment directed her way.

"Usopp said that you're studying to be a doctor. That's really something. Said that you're doing well too. I've wanted to meet you for a long time."

Kaya's smile spread across her face and she found herself walking taller.

"I've also wanted to meet you for a while now, Nami-san. And... I'd like if we became good friends."


Not only was she beautiful, she was kind and Kaya saw why Luffy married her. It was surprising that he got married in the first place. The phenomena Usopp described as 'The End of the World'.

"Usopp talks about you a lot," Nami said.

"Well, Usopp-san and I grew up together and have known each other for years," said Kaya absentmindedly. He was also the reason why she became a doctor since he was one to get himself hurt and she hopes that one day she could help heal his injuries.

"You don't believe his stories, do you? He's a notorious liar."

"Of course not but," Kaya said with a huge smile looking ahead of her,"How great would it be if those stories were indeed real?" Usopp-san was a great story-teller. He would use them in the past to cheer her up during the time she was ill and shattered after losing both her parents. He was someone she held dear to her heart.

Nami studied her carefully, noticing the far away look in her eyes and the curve of her lips. A look she knew all to well for she would find herself with the same expression whenever she thought about a certain someone. She giggled and gave Kaya a playful shove.

Confused, Kaya asked,"What?"

"Oh nothing," Nami replied in a sing-song voice as they came upon the bathroom entrance.

Kaya had another question for her; she did not want to pry but it was bugging her to no end.



"Is everything okay with you and Luffy? It seems like you two had a fight..."

"Luffy and I?" said Nami then she remembered,"Oh. We're fine. Just a petty fight. Nothing to worry about."

"Is that so? I'm glad."

"Yeah. It's like that all the time. A little fight every now and then. That's just what love's like really," she said while washing her hands and taking out her matte lipstick to put on a fresh new coat. "You should know, right?"

"Right." Kaya's eyes widened, "Wait, Nami-san. Usopp-san and I..."



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