Chapter -13-

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"The best feeling in the world is being with someone who wants you as much as you want them." - Unknown

Luffy stepped out of his room with damp hair brushed out of his eyes; dressed in a grey long sleeved dress shirt and long tailored pants, fumbling with a black tie.

Dragon who was in charge of tying it had tried teaching him how to fix it before the big move but gave up after losing his patience.

"Morning handsome."

He looked up and saw Nami smiling at him, seated in an armchair in the living room. A newspaper was in her lap and he noticed her ink stained hands. There was a half full mug of coffee on the coffee table along with a plate of roasted almonds.

His cheeks tingled with warmth and he returned the smile.

"Morning," he said and was back to the tie feud with a concentrated purse of his lips.

Before he knew it, Nami appeared before him and batted his hands away. She seized the fabric with graceful hands and knotted it together for him. Bellemere taught Nami how to tie her father's at the tender age of 11. She left her in charge of doing it ever since in her stead, successfully letting herself off the hook.

"Thanks Nami."

Luffy caught a glint in her eyes and yelped when she grabbed a hold of his tie and tugged him down, surprising him with a peck on his lips, giving him goosebumps.

"You're welcome."

She let her hand slide down his arm and held his, giving him a small squeeze.

"Do you have everything?"


"See you when you get back. Have a nice day, Captain." Her smile was bittersweet. They did not bother with breakfast since Luffy said that Sanji usually took care of that. Nami had to admit that she was sorry to see him go but this day was bound to come sooner or later. She turned around to return to her paper but Luffy held her back.

"Come to work with me today, Nami." he said.

"Can I?"

"Sure! Why not? The guys will be happy to see you. Come on."

He knew very well that the guys had really liked her and he wanted her to see what his work was all about. To be honest, Nami had entertained the thought so there was no way she was going to turn down the offer. She spun on her heel and headed to her room to find something to wear.

Luffy and Nami arrived at the Monkey D. Corporation.; a towering, smart building. It was before business hours. They drove into the garage located inside the building and piled into an elevator.

As instructed by Franky, Luffy punched in a code that would take them to the floor that he and the crew dubbed the 'Thousand Sunny.' They had an older spot but due to needed changes, Franky was able to build and design this one that had more space and better equipment the crew could work in more comfortably as the team got bigger.

The elevator door closed and Luffy stepped back and held Nami's hand. She had her hair pinned up into a top knot bun and she wore a grey, striped ankle sleeveless jacket suit with a black camisole and black loafers. The suit was something she had used when she had to accompany her parents on the occasional business trips.

"How does it feel to be back?" she asked.

"It feels great."

When the doors opened, they could smell food as well as hear the rustling and rattling of dishes coming from the dining area.

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