You're going through a tough time and he helps you through it /Angelo Parente

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*A/N: Listen to Home Sweet Home by Mötley Crüe while reading this, it makes it so much more meaningful and heartfelt... Just have tissues ready too...*

You sat on your bed, back to the headboard, and stared at your phone. The last few days had been absolute hell for you; to make matters worse your boyfriend Angelo was on tour with his band Motionless In White. The screen went black and finally got rid of the message that was causing you to feel so numb. "Hey sis, it's Gunner. Dad's in the hospital, I don't know what's wrong but the Dr's don't know how long he'll be able to make it... He might need surgery too... I gotta go. X" It read, you don't know how long you just sat there but eventually you broke down crying. You fell asleep, still crying, a few hours later; only after you put on your playlist that your dad and uncles made for you on your iPod, clutching Angelo's pillow close to you.
*The next morning*
"Babygirl, time to get up." You thought you heard Angelo say faintly, you thought you were still dreaming until you heard Kuza and Balz. "Tana, get up sweetie. You've gotta eat somethin' doll." Kuza said quietly as you felt Josh's arms wrap around you and pull you close to him, you sniffled as everything from yesterday hit you again. "Shh, you're alright, please don't cry." Josh whispered as he placed a small kiss onto the top of your head, you opened your eyes and looked around for Angelo. Your dark gray/green eyes, still bloodshot from a mix of lack of sleep and crying settled on Kuza's. He looked sad as you  curled up in Balz's arms and let silent tears flow down your cheeks, he reached out and wiped your tears away. You sighed and closed your eyes again. Your chest started to hurt, signalling you that you were starting to have a panic attack but you steadied your breathing and soon the pain passed. Kuza reached out as Josh passed you to him, he stood up and carried you bridal style into the kitchen. You opened your eyes and saw Chris and Angelo standing next to the with Frank, making something. "Ange." He said as he set you down so that you were sitting on the island in the middle of the room, Angelo looked up and walked over to you. "Hi babygirl, I love you." He said as he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead, you closed your eyes yet again and wrapped your arms around him. "Ange..." You said quietly, he backed away slightly as you opened your eyes and tried not to cry again. He looked into your eyes as worry filled his own bright blue ones. "What's wrong baby?" You grabbed your phone and pulled up the message from your half brother Gunner, tears spilled over your cheeks again as you showed him. "Oh baby doll, I'm so sorry." He whispered. Even though he'd never met your family he still understood how close you are to them, especially your dad. He pulled you close to him as you rested your head on his shoulder. "I'm so scared... What if he doesn't make it?" You asked quietly, Chris walked over and joined the hug. Pretty soon everyone else surrounded you in a giant hug. After you all ate you were curled up on the couch between Chris and Angelo in the living room, the other members of Motionless were either on the couch opposite you or on the floor. "Babe, do you want to tell them now or later?" Angelo asked you quietly, you nodded your head when he said now. "I'll tell them now." You whispered as you looked down at your hands. You took a deep breath in and sighed, hoping you wouldn't cry.

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