A Very Special Valentine's Day ~ Alex Gaskarth Pt 1

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*Alex's POV; Flashback* I walked into the building where my technology class was being held until the computers in the other lab got fixed. My eyes scanned the room not only for one of my friends but also for a spare seat.  "Hey Alex, over here." My best friend/crush Kendalle said quietly as she motioned for me to sit in the spare seat next to her. "Thanks Doll." I said, she smiled and slipped her hand into mine, something she'd done since we were in kindergarten when she got nervous or anxious, under the desk as I sat down. The class went by pretty fast as our only assignment was to write a letter to someone and have them write you back. I looked over after I finished mine and saw that Kendalle had finished hers too. "Alex, would you mind...?" "Not at all." I said as we traded places, I read her letter and blushed when I glanced over at her and saw her blush too. "She's so beautiful." I thought to myself as we started typing our responses. At the end of class we'd both grabbed what we'd brought and left for the next class, her hand slipped back into mine and I smiled. "Doll, what you wrote in tech... Did you mean it? I mean,  I just kinda..." "Alexander, you've known me since preschool. Have I ever said anything I haven't meant?" "Nope, not once. I was actually, um, I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime." I said shyly as she stood up on her tiptoes and kissed me in front of our locker which was next to our final class of the day. "Yes I'll go out with you Alex, only if you stop worrying so much." She said quietly as she squeezed my hand slightly and led us into the classroom, my other best friend Jack grinned when he saw us. Before the teacher came in all of our friends surrounded us and I pulled Kendalle in for a passionate kiss.

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