Frank Iero X Gerard Way (Pre MCR AU)

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*Frank's POV*
I sat down at the table in the café down the street from my house as I pulled out my notebook from my backpack and began writing song lyrics. After a little while I looked up to see what time it was when I saw a tallish, handsome brunette walk in. I glanced away as he looked over in my direction. A waitress came over to me and asked if I wanted to order anything, I looked up at her name tag. "No Lyn-Z, I would not want to order anything." I said, she leaned over and made sure I could see a portion of her chest. "Oh come on, you know you want to. Besides, cute guys get anything half off." She whispered into my ear, clearly trying to hit on me or get in my pants. I was about to say something when the cute guy walked over. "He doesn't want to order anything so leave him alone you poorly dressed slut. Get a new hobby too or I'll tell Mikey that you slept with every customer in this joint." He said, I smiled and thanked him after she left. "You know her?" I asked after I invited him to sit with me. "Unfortunately. She's my baby brother's girlfriend. He runs this place too, I just wish he'd fire her." He said, I nodded. I had a good feeling about him. "Personal question, please don't get mad at me for asking but are you gay?" He asked quietly, I blushed and smiled. "Yeah." I said, he smiled too. "What are you working on?" We asked each other simultaneously as we looked down at our notebooks. "Song lyrics, I can't figure out how the chorus though." I said, he laughed and slipped his hand over mine. "Do you mind if I help?" He asked, I shook my head no and slid my notebook over to him. He started writing things down quickly, I took the opportunity to fully look at him. I drank in his amazingly perfect features until he had finished writing, he closed the book and slid it over to me with a small smile. I smiled and thanked him, he grinned and said it wasn't a problem but he had to go. "I hope I'll see you around sometime." He said. When I got home I set my notebook down and a note fell out of it, I picked it up and smiled when I saw the handwriting. It was his name and number. 'Call me sometime cutie X -Gerard Way, the new sheriff in town'. A blush formed on my cheeks and I couldn't help but giggle at his cheesiness. 'Dork...' I thought to myself.

//First Impressions//

Gerard: He's so cute!! I hope we get to spend more time together though... It was probably a stupid move for me to not ask what his name was when I saw him. Oh well, I have a feeling I'll see him soon.
Frank: Wow... I... I really want to see him again. I love being around him!

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