Chapter 9: The Festival

Start from the beginning

"Hey, no fair!" he said, making a grab for the camera. "I wasn't ready!"

I laughed and held the camera out of his reach. "Nope, nope, you're not getting this!"

This went on for at least five minutes.

"Dang it, Carrie!" said Jordan, finally giving up and giving me a playful scowl. "How are you so fast with that camera?"

"Talent," I said with a shrug.

Jordan scoffed and grabbed the camera, lifting it up over my head and, holding it at arm's length from our faces, took a selfie shot.

"Aww, come on!" I said, covering my face a second too late. "No, I look horrible!"

"You do not!" he said, showing me the photo. "You look great!"

He was right. I actually did look great. My icy blue eyes were bright and stunning against the flash. My curls hung bouncy and free near the corners of my eyes and my bright scarlet lips were pulled up in a tiny smile.

"Wow," I said, "you're right." I glared at him. "And you say you're bad with a camera!  If I didn't know any better, I'd say you pretended to suck at picture taking just to have an excuse to have me help you."

Jordan blushed. "Oh shut up."

I smiled and put my camera back around my neck.  "So, what were we talking about?  I forget."

"You were gonna tell me some other things about yourself," said Jordan, flashing me his brilliant smile.

I hesitated.  I didn't want to ruin a perfect moment by diving head-first into the story of my past.  It was too much to even think about, let alone tell someone I've only known for two days.  Jordan didn't deserve that, and I wasn't ready to tell.

Hmm, I guess it's time to bust out the nerd me! I thought.

"Oh, right!" I said. "Hmm...I guess I can start with the fact that I'm the top rank in Black Ops Zombies online, or that I once won three straight games of Prop Hunt as a scientist."

Jordan's eyes widened and his mouth dropped. "No way! You play Black Ops and Prop Hunt?"

I nodded, feeling my shyness coming onto me again.

"I've also won a total of twenty-two Minecraft Survival Games in a row," I said somewhat bashfully, "but I don't like to brag."

"You're kidding!" Jordan exclaimed. "Twenty-two straight games?! That's incredible!"

I ran my fingers through the bouncy curls in my head. "Well, I am pretty awesome."

Jordan chuckled and nudged me with his elbow. "Trust me, I know. Next time I play Survival Games, you should join a Skype call with me and my friends and we could all play together."

I smiled, feeling pinkness flood through my cheeks. "That sounds fun. I'd like that."

"It won't be so fun when I beat you," he said with a smirk.

"Ha!" I laughed.  "Says the guy who got outplayed by a parkour master!"

"Ooh, ouch!" he said dramatically, clutching his hand to his heart.  "That hurt, Carrie!  Brutal!"

I looked up at Jordan and our eyes locked. The light from the lamppost behind me reflected in Jordan's pupils, making his eyes sparkle and gleam with golden light.

"I'm glad you asked me to come with you tonight, Jordan," I said softly. "To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of festivals."

"Really?" he asked. "Why?"

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