"She's alive, I'll know more later," I responded, not wanting to go into any more details, "Now, your pack left, why are you still here? 

"This is my pack now," she smiled brightly, "turns out that kid was my sister's mate, so we're here to stay." 

"That's great," I laughed holding up my hand for a high-five, which she quickly smacked. 

"Yup, stuck with me forever, you're so lucky," she said, poking her nose into the air. "Can we talk more later on? I was about to go play basketball with some friends." 

"Yeah, I'm pretty busy now too, I'll see you later." 

Casey ran off in the direction opposite of me, looking happier than I had ever seen her. At least someone was having better luck than me.  

I hurried through a shower and dressing like I was being timed. The longer I was away from Sadie the antsier I became. I knew she would wake up soon, I could feel it. When I got back to the living room I found Elly sitting next to Sadie, petting her side. Clair and Kate were sitting on the floor making Ember walk in-between them.  

"Oh my god, she's walking?" I asked stunned. She hadn't ever walked around me before.  

"I know!" Clair squealed, "We just got her to do it like five minutes ago." 

I dropped down into a squatting position and opened my arms, "Hey Ember, come to daddy," I cooed.  

Clair aimed Ember toward me and gave her bottom a little smack, "You better go Em," she sang.  

Ember squealed in delight and then headed over to me. She walked! It was shaky, but damn it she walked to me! I picked her up and swung her around, "Good job baby," I cooed.  

"Jackson, it's happening," I heard Elly whisper.  

I looked over just in time to see Sadie shift back into her human self. Elly immediately jumped up and covered her with a blanket. We all held our breath as we watched Sadie attempt to wake up. Her eyes would flutter open and close and she would groan every time her body moved.  

I handed Ember over to Clair, "You guys should go, just in case she freaks out," I whispered.  

Clair nodded her head and grabbed on the Elly's arm, gently pulling her to her feet. Both Kate and Elly kept their eyes on Sadie as they left the room. I felt bad for asking them to leave, but I didn't want them to see her if she got upset. It was hard enough for them to see after the hunters, they didn't need to go through it again.  

I walked over and pulled the small wooden coffee table closer to the couch so that I could sit on it. Once I was pleased with my position I leaned over and brushed Sadie's hair out of her eyes, "Sadie, you awake?" I asked in a whisper. I didn't know what I was doing, all I knew was that I didn't want to scare her. 

Sadie's eyes popped open and my voice and went wide. Her hand immediately went up to her neck and she felt around. "What happened?" she whispered, "I thought I got bit." 

"You did, how do you feel?" I asked. She looked perfect and I hoped that she felt the same way. Her skin looked untouched; no longer could I see her scars from the hunters or any sign of the bite on her neck. It was beyond amazing and if I hadn't seen everything for myself I would have never believed that any of it happened.  

"I feel fine, I think," she said. "Can I sit up?" I nodded my head and reached over to help her sit up. The second our skin touched I felt the familiar tingles that I was worried might not be there. "Ok, that was different," she said with wide eyes. 

"What was?" 

"I always felt something when you touched me, but not electricity," She smiled. "It's cool." 

"So you still love me?" I asked nervously. 

"Of course, why would you ask that?" 

From there I preceded to tell her everything that had happened, with her filling in the parts that I wasn't around for. It turned into the conversation we should have had when I got home. We told each other every little thing that had happened while I was away, sparing no details. 

Everyone took turns coming into the room to check on Sadie, making up the most ridiculous excuses to come in. I didn't mind, they usually only stayed for a few minutes before leaving us alone again.  

"So the hunters and Andy are dead?" Sadie asked. We had moved around so that we were both on the couch, with her leaning against me.  

"Yeah, Andy for sure, and as far as we know all the hunters are too." I replied, kissing the side of her head. "And if they aren't, don't worry we can handle them." 

"I'm not worried about them, but I am worried about this whole wolf thing," She said quietly, "Am I gonna shift all the time now?" 

I let out a breath not knowing how to answer I just winged it, "I'm not sure, but I hope so." Sadie adjusted herself so that she could see my face. "I will love you no matter what, but I would really enjoy running around all wolf with you." 

Sadie laughed, "I'm not sure I'll be a good wolf." 

"I think you'll be fine, but don't worry about it. We can just take everything one day at a time." I pulled Sadie closer to my body and gave her a tight hug.  

I couldn't believe that she was better, she was perfect, and as far as I could see she had no bad side effects. Could everything literally end this perfectly? We had been through so much and nothing seemed to be working out. How could everything just all of a sudden even out?  

"Sadie, marry me," I blurted out. The moment was too perfect and eventually something would come along to throw our lives upside down again. It was now or never.  

"What?" She squeaked, sitting up and away from me. Her face was bright red and she clutched the blanket to her chest, covering up her nudity.  

"Marry me," I smiled. 

"Are you serious?" She asked, squinting her eyes at me.  

I laughed and pulled her back over to me, "Of course I'm serious. Marry me Sadie." 

Her face broke out into a bright, large smile, "I would love to."

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