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Lexical (adjective) - relating to words or vocabulary, linguistics

Evolution (noun) - a process of slow change and development

'Lexical Evolutions' is all about exploring the changes and development in English language over time. :)

Do you know that the word 'selfie' was first used in 2002 but it took 11 years for this word to get enough recognition to be included in the Oxford English Dictionary as a proper word? Well yeah, it was termed as the 'word of the year' in November 2013. :) Why? Because of the 'lexical evolution'.. ;)

In this book, I'll be introducing the patterns of lexical development over the past view years and how this trend is strengthening with the passage of time. Everyday, our generation is experimenting with language and creating new words to draw out desired meanings and results. This is quite an interesting process and I'll be much glad to write it down for you. :)

Sounds boring? No it's not. Wait until you actually see what I've been talking about and you're going to tell me that you love this book the most! :')♥♡

Hope you decide to stick around and enjoy the fortnightly updates! :)♥♡

Thankyou! ^-^

Lexical EvolutionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora