Image 1: Captain America Fan Fic

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Image 1: Captain America Fan Fic

We were laying under the covers in bed, simply enjoying each other's company, when a question struck me.

"Steve?" I had asked quietly.

"Yes Sheylyn?" The said man had responded with his own question.

"Why?" After a pause I continued, "Why could you- or how could you love someone like me?"

He turned from his current position to face me, confusion and love evident in his eyes. How could he love me?

"Honey, what do you mean?" He asked with a husky voice.

"You know everything about me, my past, who I was, what I am. Yet you love me. I don't get it." I answered truthfully.

"Why do you love me?" He repeated my own question.

"Because your loving, strong, smart, kind, everything I've ever wanted in a lover." I spoke softly.

"You wanted Captain America as your lover?" He asked jokingly.

"I never even thought I'd ever meet my hero let alone having him as a partner, as a best friend." I told him my past thoughts when I first saw him.

He smiled down at my laying form, "You are everything I've ever wanted. You are nothing compared to Peggy; you are much more than what I hoped for."

I frowned, "You've always wanted your own personal geek?"

He chuckled, oh how I loved his voice.

"I've always wanted my own personal beautiful lady. My own personal Sheylyn." His quiet voice tickled my neck.

"Steve what was your first thoughts when you first saw me?" I asked now curious of our first thoughts of each other.

"It was two and a half yeas ago, I was just shopping for groceries for Tony and his weird cravings-" he chuckled. "And I heard a loud but gentle laugh from the isle over. Curious as to what could make such a beautiful noise I followed. I had just turned the corner when you tried to reach a boutique of flowers on the top shelf. Your cute little form couldn't reach and I heard you say to your sister how you wished to be taller. I remember thinking that you were perfect just the way you were. Then you spotted me and asked kindly if I could grab the light blue flowers on the top shelf. I reached for them and heard your sister say how she loved seeing knights in shining armour out like normal people. I had laughed as well as you and we started talking, and I gave you my number-in a stuttering, sweating mess- and you had completely forgot about the flowers. I remember wanting to run and find you to give them to you but thought: this would be a good gift for the first date. So, we texted and came up to a date plan and on our first date I gave you those flowers and a smile on your lips. I remember thinking as soon as you smiled your breathtaking smile: oh geeze! Am I screwed! She is going to be the death of me!" He laughed and I giggled too remembering that first day we met.

I tell him my point of view, "I remember wanting those because I was lonely and wanted to feel like I had a boyfriend. When you came into view my heart stopped. My sister knew the kind of men I liked and nudged me on the side making me ask you if you could grab the flowers. My heart was beating so fast I thought it would break, I started to blush and sweat so much I thought I'd gross you out, and then I started laughing and talking to you. You were a real gentleman and I remember thinking how great it would be if I found a guy like that. Then-by luck-you gave me your phone number and we left you in that lonely isle. We were talking about how cute you were and how amazing it would be if you became my boyfriend." I chuckle at me and my sister's ways, "It was the best day of my life. Not only because I met you but were the first guy that had looked at me twice. Doing a double take. It felt good and I-" I stop myself.

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