Chapter 36

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"I'm afraid," Alec took a deep breath. There was a long pause before he continued on.

"Do you remember Max? My younger brother?" he said, turning to Magnus. There was the glimmer of tears in his eyes now.

Magnus nodded silently. He had never gotten to meet his youngest brother, although he wished he had. He could tell from the way that Alec had talked about him, that he loved him like a shooting star.

"When he was younger, I was always so scared that he would get hurt. I tried to get him to follow all of my mother's rules, I never let him do anything exciting. I wasn't like Isabelle, who was always so good with him. She could make him laugh so easily. And Jace. By the Angel, Max thought that the sun rose and set with Jace."

He took a deep breath, and Magnus waited. Listening. He would listen for as long as Alec needed him to.

"Jace gave Max this tiny, old toy soldier. He loved that toy soldier so much. He would take it with him to bed, he would take it with him to school and everywhere else he went. I was so, so jealous. I tried to give him other toys, other things that I thought were better. He never loved them though, like he loved that worn toy soldier. He died, he had been holding onto it as the motorcycle hit him. It was still in his fist in the ambulance. Then, I guess I realized that it was so stupid to be petty, to be jealous. I'm just glad, that he had something to hold onto."

He patted the baby a little, since he had started to fuss again, "You asked me what I was afraid of. I'm afraid, I'm terrified that he won't like me. That he won't see how much I love him."

Magnus shook his head slightly, "Alec, you're impossible not to love."

Alec was silent at this, so Magnus pressed on.

"Everything about you is comforting. The minute you walk in the room, everyone relaxes. Haven't you noticed? When you're gone, everything seems dull, and color just floods back into the world whenever someone sees you. If there's one thing I know about the future, I know for sure, that this child will love you fiercely. He'll love you with all of his heart. You don't have to fear that he won't. Because he will."

Alec looked down at the baby, then back up at Magnus.

"I promise," Magnus told him, putting a cautious arm around his shoulder. Alec didn't pull away. Instead, he leaned into Magnus, placing his head on his shoulder. Magnus closed his eyes.

He wanted to find a way to save this moment, he wanted to carry it with him, and to keep it forever. He wanted to stay like this forever, just with Alec, soaking in everything about him. Magnus just wanted just to stay here, and he wouldn't mind if the rest of the world just passed by the rest of them.

Alec was there.

Alec was here.

Alec was here.

And everything would be alright then. Nothing else mattered.

"I love you," Alec finally said, softly, as if he was afraid he would startle the baby.

"I love you too," Magnus said, brushing his lips softly against Alec's. It was a butterfly kiss, but it was enough. A mere kiss, barely one, it was more important than anyone else's touches. The only thing that mattered was Alec.

He had never thought about it before. Staying with someone, actually raising a family. He had never thought that he would have it, he always thought that he would just be someone standing at the sidelines.

But this was Alec, and Magnus wanted to stay with him forever.

"So," Alec's voice was cautious, "is that a yes then?"

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