Chapter 35

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The first thing that Magnus's eyes moved to, once they were outside, was the figure standing out in the snow looking down at something. He felt his heart loosen with relief when he realized that it was Will, white snow coating a soft layer of his hair. As all of them approached him, he picked whatever he had been staring at off the ground carefully. Magnus saw that he needed to use both arms to completely wrap the small bundle in warmth, and he didn't turn away from it.

Will had an odd sort of look on his face that Magnus had never seen before. It was something sort of like a mixture between horror and awe at the same time. Magnus opened his mouth, turning to Cecily with the question ready, but she ignored him.

"Come on!" she told all of them.

As they approached, Magnus suddenly realized, that the fluffy yellow bundle seemed to be moving.

It refused to stay still in Will's arms, twisting and turning in the little cocoon of blankets. There was also a terribly familiar sound coming from it, the sound of the wind right behind it.

Tessa was the one who was at Will's side first, looking down at the bundle with a similar expression to Will's. Neither of them could tear their eyes away from what was in his arms.

She spoke, but her voice sounded distant, and suddenly very far away.

"It's a baby," she told them, "it's a living, breathing baby."

Magnus didn't think it was possible to layer something in so many blankets. Cecily and Tessa had gone out on a little expedition the minute they had brought it back into the house, to find all the possible, available blankets that were there.

William Herondale had looked so relieved to finally be able to set the small creature down, it had started to cry. He placed it as carefully as he could on the sofa, everyone else watching him fearfully.

When Cecily and Tessa had returned, their arms heaped with layers of dark colored blankets, it had still been crying.

Now, the poor, lost soul was still crying its head off, wrapped and tucked in at least twenty blankets. At another time, it might've seemed humorous, with nothing but its pale head peeking out from underneath all the layers.

There was only one explanation for what the child had been doing there, left at a random house's back door.

Whoever had given birth the innocent creature couldn't bear it. Somehow, in some way, they hadn't been able to take care of the child any longer, and there was nothing left that they could do.

There was nothing else that they could do but leave the child there to die in the snow.

Magnus was thankful that they had found it, that the child had been left at their back door.

"Do these things ever stop?" Will's voice was immensely annoyed. From a little away, Gideon Lightwood nodded his head in agreement. It was a very strange thing to see, the two of them never agreed on anything.

"Do you think its hungry?" Jem Carstairs joined in timidly, although he was standing a considerably good distance away from the sofa where it was bundled up neatly.

"Do you think it might have an itchy nose and can't scratch it?" Gideon added, looking thoughtful, "I know how irritating that can be. If I were a baby it probably would make me cry as well."

Everyone cast Gideon looks. Tessa, one of pity. Gabriel, one of an embarrassed brother. Cecily just looked confused. Gideon shrugged.

"I think babies liked to be picked up and rocked," Tessa said, moving to the child, "I've read in many books that they usually stop crying when someone picks them up and sings to them."

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