Chapter 6

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"So, what's it like working as such a successful actor?" Alec looked down at the next question on his notebook. His pencil remained steady at the blank lines he had left below so he could jot down Magnus's answer as quickly as possible. So far, the interview was going smoothly, and Alec could feel himself relaxing slightly, and the edge that had seemed to be chipping into his shoulder before had almost completely disappeared.

Magnus, Alec was beginning to realize, had a very...flamboyant taste in fashion.

For the interview, and apparently what he thought was more appropriate was a sky-blue, V-neck sweater and tight white jeans with a large symbol of a black paw print over one thigh. Magnus had tossed on a hot-pink scarf as well, embroidered with silver thread in the pattern of diamonds dotting across the vibrant fabric as if they were little jewels. He was barefoot, but on his feet were pale yellow socks with a design of fluffy ducklings across them. Alec guessed that Jace would've disapproved of those socks a lot, maybe even attempt to burn them. Jace had a strange, irrational dislike of ducks, and even he himself didn't quite understand it. Still, the strange and irrational things about Jace were what made him so interesting to Alec, and so wonderful. He shook the thoughts off quickly, he shouldn't have been thinking of Jace right then, and he managed to catch Magnus's answer just in time.

"It's very interesting," Magnus replied, pausing every now and then to give Alec enough time to jot down notes, "it's never boring. I get to travel to all sorts of beautiful places around the world to work, and I'm always playing different characters with all sorts of different personalities. I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world."

Alec nodded, his scrawling letters covering some of the page. He moved on to the next question. Magnus shifted into a more comfortable position, propping himself up with one bent arm and sprawling out across the champagne-colored couch across from the dark red armchair Alec himself was sitting on. Magnus reminded Alec a bit of a leopard, lounging across the furniture like a large, lazy cat, waiting for his next unfortunate prey to stumble by him. Alec could feel Magnus's bright and enchanting eyes focused on him, but he tried to ignore the stare he got from him.

"And how about the other people you work with? What do you think of the directors and your co-stars that you work with?"

"Oh most of them are great to be around," he said, "Most of the directors and other actors and actresses I have worked with are really amazing. They take their jobs seriously but make working on different films a lot of fun. Some of them, though, can be a bit annoying at times..."

Alec remembered a couple of snarky comments that Magnus had once made about the famed beauty, Jessamine Lovelace on a TV show once about her upbringing and sense of fashion. He also recalled Magnus's looks of boredom and thinly veiled annoyance in a couple of photos that they had taken together when Jessamine had written part of the soundtrack for one of the movies Magnus had been starring in. He decided not to comment, though.

"And what about the people you work with?" Magnus asked suddenly. He swung his legs below him on the sofa and leaned towards Alec slightly, his hands folded and braced beneath his slender chin.

"Um, pardon?" Alec looked up from his notebook, his eyes widening slightly at the smirk Magnus was shooting him. This had happened a couple times in the interview, where Alec would ask Magnus a few questions, and Magnus would reply with a few questions of his own for Alec. In the end, Alec was usually able to steer the interview back on focusing to the famous actor, though, and Magnus would try again a bit later in the interview.

"You know," Magnus told him, "How are the people you work with? Little Clary Fairchild and her cameraman, stunning Isabelle, and Trace?"

"You mean Jace?" Alec looked confused.

Famous: A Malec AU FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ