Chapter 24

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There had been too much blood. That was what the hollow, empty-voiced nurse had told them. There had been so much pity glinting in her eyes. The hospital lobby was colder than Alec thought it could've been, the sickening sweet smell of antiseptic drifting around him, making him wanting to throw up.

He remembered arriving at the park, seeing the red flashing sirens, the tear streaked, horrified face of Isabelle. He had seen how Jace looked, as if he was so lost in the world, and nothing could pull him back from it. He remembered the harshly painted ambulances, so pale, the red crosses burning into the backs of his eyes. It was as if they were taunting him. All the sounds of commotion around them, people murmuring in what sounded like fake sympathy. Alec wanted all of it to be gone. He wanted it all of it to disappear and to leave him alone.

There had been an accident. Alec saw the motorcycle being dragged away, as well as the rider, a boy with hair so pale it looked like white snow, and eyes so dark they looked like obsidian. Max's lifeless body. Scarlet blood, running all over the concrete. That boy, who couldn't have been older than Alec himself. He was responsible for it. He had seen the way he hadn't even struggled, but instead looked slightly pleased with himself, the cool amusement on his face as mercilessly cold as ice. It was as if he was glad, that all of this commotion was happening, and that he was the center of it all. That was even better for him. He was the sort of person who craved attention, no matter how dark the attention might've been. Alec had never wanted to kill someone before, but so much rage surged up inside of him like a tidal wave.

Max, his youngest brother, the one person he thought that he could always protect. He was gone. All of it felt as if it was crushing Alec, and he didn't even bother trying to breathe again. He wanted to let all of the pain drown him. Max's ghost seemed to follow him around everywhere, even during the funeral they were at now. Alec could see his wide, innocent eyes, and his worn-down comic books and lighted smile. They would be nothing but a memory in the mist now. Alec hated himself.

Max's body had been cold and lifeless, his eyes closed so it look as if he was dreaming, and as if he would wake up and Tell Alec about a delightful dream he had before. Alec had always thought that those gone from the world looked pale, and sickly, but that wasn't the case for Max. His younger brother just looked like he always had, with his small, delicate face and curling, dark locks that always made him seem younger than how old he really was. But Alec knew that he would that he would never wake up. Max would never smile that bright, energetic smile of his ever again, or laugh whenever one of his older siblings told a joke. It burned inside of Alec even worse than he thought it would've.

There was not a cloud in the sky, and the shade of it was a bright, cerulean blue. This seemed horrible on Max's funeral day. There was nothing that Alec or the rest of his family said for a moment when they walked out, away from the youngest member's grave. It was in the distance now, it was nothing but a mere speck and shadow a while away. Alec had to use all his willpower to force himself not to look back.

There was silence for a long while, as all of them stood there. It was Isabelle who then spoke up. Uncharacteristically, it was expressionless, empty of any hope or any emotion at all. Even the burning fire that was usually in her obsidian eyes wasn't there anymore. She didn't look at their parents when she was speaking to them, twisting a loose lock of her dark hair as her words floated out like ghosts.

"I guess there's nothing left holding the two of you together. You can separate now with nothing to worry about, you know."

Alec felt a flash of confusion, looking at his parents. Jace didn't seem to understand either, but his face looked empty as he turned to them as well.

"Isabelle," it was their mother who spoke carefully, as if she was talking to a dangerous animal that might attack or run away at any moment, "What are you talking about?"

Famous: A Malec AU FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora