Chapter 15

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Alec shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans to dig out his old wallet. At the same time, he looked up at the boards tacked up behind the barista, his eyes scanning for his usual drink.

"Erm," he said, hesitating for a second, "Just black coffee please."

The barista looked at him, she had large brown eyes that made her face seem smaller, her dark coils of hair were pulled back behind her cap. Her face was open and friendly, not at all intimidating, or one like a stranger. This was someone who Alec would be able to easily talk to if he needed to. She whispered to him quickly over the counter.

"Are you sure you just want black coffee? I think my favorite right now is our Snow Storm Frappuccino."

Alec frowned, "What's in it?"

"A bit of fudge," she told him earnestly, "Along with vanilla and a bit of extra in the whipped cream. Of course, you don't have to get the whipped cream if you don't like it."

Alec nodded, "I'll take your word for it then, one Snow Storm Frappuccino, um, a large if you please."

She nodded, smiling at her, and before she darted away with his order, Alec read her nametag. Maia, that was her name.

As he waited to be called up for his drink, Alec sat down by himself, inhaling all the lovely scents of coffee all around him. He loved this little coffee shop, right around the corner by Shadowhunter Gossip. He had come here more than once during the days he had his break. Alec liked the whole aura of it, it was warm and casual, and it made him feel comfortable. He saw a couple sharing a large drink, then a young business man who couldn't have been older than he was, eating a dark brown pastry while he typed away at his open computer. The multiple baristas were all rushing around and taking orders, and calling out the names.

"One venti triple fudge cappuccino for Julian Blackthorn!" came one voice.

"Three medium hibiscus drinks for Mr. Imasu!" came another one. Alec waited patiently for his own name to be called up, looking out of a nearby window at all the people walking around the concrete streets. There was something beautiful about all the chaos around the city, it made him feel secure and at home. He couldn't really imagine living anywhere else. Alec checked his phone, wondering how long it would be until his drink came.

He started for a moment when he suddenly realized that the barista, Maia, from before, was standing near him, waiting for him to realized that she was there.

"Sorry," she told him, "I didn't mean to scare you, but you should come and get your drink."

Alec let her lead him to behind the counter, and she carefully handed him his Snow Storm Frappuccino. He took a light sip of it, savoring the perfect flavor of everything in it mixed together. Maia had been right, it really was a good drink, and he was glad that he went with her helpful recommendation.

"Why exactly did I need to come back here to get my drink, not like everyone else?" Alec asked her curiously.

Maia's eyes darted around for a moment, as if she was afraid that someone might overhear their conversation. It wasn't fear, though, but more like concern, but not for herself. She looked as if she was worried for Alec. She lowered her voice before she spoke again.

"You're Alec, right?"

He nodded, still not quite understanding, "So?"

"You're the one who's been seen a lot with Magnus Bane, right?" she asked him.

Alec blinked, "H-How did you know that?"

"Well," Maia looked a little sheepish as she pulled out something from a nearby drawer, "I think everyone in the world pretty much knows. Here, I think you should see this."

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