Chapter 29

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Alec's eyes scanned over the lines again. He rubbed his face tiredly, pushing more of his dark hair out of his face.

Last night, at home, he had looked over them. Magnus had come home later that night from a movie premiere, and had found Alec sitting on the large couch, papers spread out all around him as he studied for his new part. He had known not to disturb him, and instead had made Alec a cup of warm coffee and went into one of the other rooms to watch TV. Alec had appreciated the gesture, he really had, but the coffee had remained untouched for the next four hours. He had fallen asleep on the couch, and had woken up with a thick blanket wrapped over him.

Now, he was at the set of the movie, on his break, still trying to remember the next scene. A Tale of Wishes was a longer movie he was acting in, and it didn't help that he was the main male lead.

"Winter is rising before the snow even starts to fall," he muttered the words softly to himself. He flipped the page, the thin material ruffling under his fingers. Suddenly, his costume for the movie seemed too thick and itchy in the little air conditioning there was on the set.

The black print seemed to be blurring in front of him, blending in with the white of the pages.

"Wells, sir," he continued on, his words coming out with portrayed emotion, "I suppose that it'd be best if we allied with-"

He broke off suddenly when there was a loud shout, and a rush of commotion coming towards where he had seated himself on the ground.

"Get back here!" one of the assistants was yelling, his voice muffled with distance. Before Alec could pinpoint where the voice was coming from, and who it might've been demanding to return, there was a flash of gold in front of his face. Alec whipped his head up from his script, and found that he was watching a slight, female figure dash towards an empty scene. The scene was supposed to be one of a tower, ropes and wires dangling from the tall prop, stretching up to the ceiling.

Alec watched, baffled and bewildered as two, large brown eyes glittered with mischief before she swung her head back. Wild, thick strands of pale hair had escaped her thick braid as she latched onto one of the thicker wires encircling the tower prop. With startling speed, she had pulled herself up on the wire, hanging several feet off the floor.

He thought he felt his heart stop for a moment when she lost her grip, but managed to cling on without sliding off in a position similar to Spider-man. Her blond, flashing hair fell away from her face, revealing that she had a half-eaten glazed donut clenched in between her smile. Alec just continued to watch when the assistant who had been shouting at the girl a moment ago arrived on the scene.

He was around the unknown girl's age, so perhaps a few years younger than Alec himself. He had crystal-clear, teal blue eyes, sharp and alert as if he was prepared for anything. His hair was a thick mop of warm, brown waves, and Alec thought he could almost see hints of red and gold in his locks. A couple of the other helpers around the set were starting to move, pausing when they noticed Alec. Some of them looked worried, one of them paled a considerable amount when they realized that Alec had realized what was happening.

"Mr. Lightwood," one young lady at the front started, "I'm so sorry for the disturbance. That's Emma Carstairs, she's one of the stuntwomen, the one for Jessamine Lovelace to be exact. She means well, but she can be a little rough at times."

"She stole some of the snacks meant for you and the rest of the cast," another person pipped up, a little shyly, "Julian is trying to get her to come down now, please don't let this trouble you."

Alec looked between the small heard of assistants and interns, back to where Julian was shouting something to Emma. She was still smiling wildly, and Alec saw that she had somehow eaten more of the donut, although both of her hands were preoccupied with grasping the thick wire she was hanging from. Her face was bright, like a beacon surrounded by nothing but endless darkness. Julian was looking desperate now, there was no success for him.

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