Chapter 13

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Alec found that he liked Cecily Herondale far, far better than her older brother. She sat by him now, with a face full of so much kindly concern for him that he felt bad. She had been the one to stop the fight, and had dragged Gabriel and Will both out of the restaurant to shout at them for a good five minutes, and when they had returned, the two boys now cowering just slightly behind her, some of the brightly burning fire had still been visible in her blue eyes. After handing the two of them off for Gideon to deal with, she along with Jem and Tessa had hurried around to make sure that no one had been hurt in the crossfire of the quick fight. After comforting one of the waitresses who had been nearly hit by a flying fork, she had come over to Magnus and Alec.

"I'm so sorry about that," she told him, and Cecily took off the lovely, light violet shawl she had been wearing to try to soak up some of the water and wine that had gotten all over him, "I swear, you can never leave those two around each other for more than a few mere seconds."

"It's alright," Alec said, smiling gently at her fussing attempts to get some of the stains out of the top part of his shirt, "I have siblings, so I know how they can get sometimes."

"Will's older than me," Cecily told him, "but honestly, most of the time I feel as if it's the other way around."

"Are you all okay over here?" Tessa Gray, who Alec knew was a rising teen novelist came over, her gray eyes were warm and soothing. Alec nodded to her, giving her a reassuring smile to let her know that nothing, besides his clothes, had been hurt.

"Good," she nodded, "Because Gabriel and William have something to say to you."

Tessa glanced over her shoulder sharply at the two boys, who were looking down sheepishly. For a moment, they reminded Alec of when he and Isabelle would fight as children, and how they would look down, studying their feet as their mother or father scolded them later. Will was the first to move forward, and Alec felt something inside of him soften when his expression really did look apologetic. He didn't understand why, but there was something about William Herondale that made him extremely likeable. He supposed it was what had made him so popular. He was like Jace and Isabelle, they had a bit of the natural charm that always made people feel warm inside, almost as if they were glowing.

"I'm sorry about your clothes," he said, then his voice became a soft mumble, "Although you have really bad fashion sense."

"William!" Tessa snapped at him, and Alec felt a small smile twitch at his mouth at how much she sounded like an impatient mother with her toddler. William shrugged.

"It's true."

"I'm sorry about that whole escapade," Gabriel added in hastily after the look Cecily gave him with the angry spark in her eyes, "Honestly, I truly am. I hope you can forgive me."

"Don't worry about it," Alec told him, and Gabriel's entire figure seemed to relax a little.

"Gee I'm fine," came another voice, drawling and tired, "Thank you so much for asking."

Magnus was sitting to the side, and he almost looked as if he was sulking. Alec surprisingly found it to be endearing, although he did his best to hide his quick laugh with a fake cough. Tessa simply rolled her eyes at him, sweeping some of her dark brown hair that had gotten loose away from her pale face. Cecily turned back to Alec, still trying to wipe with her shawl.

"We can go back to my place," she offered Alec, still looking really apologetic even though Alec had insisted that he was fine and unhurt, "Will might have some clean clothes lying around that might fit you, and we could get some of that wine out of your clothes. You can take a quick shower as well to freshen up if you'd like."

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