Chapter 11: Street Lamps

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Authors Note: I'm back for more! I'm so sorry I haven't been able to update lately! I know people were asking for more chapters! I have so much school work and winter drumline things going on that I haven't had the time yet!

Readers P.O.V.

Robert and I stayed and watched the panel of the rest of our friends. They were coming to my house later since it's the closest to the convention and we wanted to hang out. We had about two hours away from them after the panel and then we were all meeting up!
Robert and I were staying together however because he's staying at my house until the convention is over. Once we drive back it is about six and we are starving to death. There is a Moes up the street so we decide to take a little walk up there. Moes was actually one of my favorite restaurants.
On the way back to the house it was kind of dark out. The only light was being produced by the street lamps and the amazing stars. Pretty soon we'd run out of these street lamps.
It was very cold out. Even if it was LA. Robert looked over and I guess I must have been shivering. Robert takes off his sweatshirt and puts it over me. This left him in a short sleeved shirt and jeans. My face turns a deep pink.
We walk back in a comfortable silence but my hand feels lonely. I am too scared to grab his soft hand. Robert noticed that too I guess because he grabbed ahold of my tiny hand.
I look up at his face softly glowing in the light of the stars. We are both smiling. Even in this lighting it is clear that Robert is blushing.
We reach my house with about an hour left until all the others are coming over. I step in front of the door and look back at my adorable Canadian man child. Somehow, I get really brave. Locking my arms around his neck we stand in front of the door and share the most loving kiss I've ever had. Not that I've really had any. But damn, he's really good at kissing!
In this moment I am the happiest person on earth. The world finally made it up to me. I look into Roberts eyes for a few seconds. I have to look up at him a bit. I'm a little short compared to him. I could look into his amazing eyes forever! We both smile with faint blushes on our faces and walk into the house.
After all of these years of waiting, I'm finally happy with how life is going!
I guess this means I might not be untouchable anymore.

I don't know if I've mentioned it yet, but I've reached 100 followers! I want to thank all of you because without the readers my page would be nothing! It might not seem like a lot to you, but this is an amazing feat for me!

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