Chapter 3: What Just Happened?

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~ Authors Note ~
Another day another schedule! I was able to slip in another chapter so I could keep schedule today! So I hope you enjoy what my mind conjures up on command. Marching band ends this weekend! So I'll have an even better schedule. But that also means I probably won't update this weekend. Sorry guys. But seriously enjoy! :-)

Readers P.O.V

That sound. That horrible sound. A constant reminder that I have to get to work on time. I grab my shoes and head out the door of the apartment. On the way to work, I sing along to my favorite mixtape that I have just hit play on. Not gonna lie, I have a pretty nice voice. The sweet melody is very different from the harsh and saddening sound of a work alarm.
Here we are again, the almighty Red Robin's. I expect to see at least a few cars surrounding mine. But the parking lot is a barren, lonely, dead space. Something is up.
Walking through the doors, the boss walks up to me. The look on his face bores a hole through my skull. It's not the kind of look you hope to see when your boss is approaching you. Mr. Wright walks up to me and clears his throat. "Hello (Y/N), we decided not to upset you yesterday. But the restaurant is closing down."
"What your kidding around right? This has to be some sort of joke." He holds out an envelope. "This is your paycheck for about 10 weeks. The restaurant is being very generous about paying all of you off. I hope you understand." He turns and walks away from me. Not another word escapes his mouth. Here I am, standing alone and scared, in the middle of the restaurant.
I slowly look down and open my paycheck. The look on my face must have looked insane. But I realized the amount I was given was more than enough to buy the equipment to start my channel. Plus, I would have extra money to live. Of course I'm going to look for a new job. But the feeling of starting new has just hit me. I'm not letting go of my dreams.

I rush home, immediately ordering everything I've longed to buy for while. Finally the day has come. I've worked so hard. Everything I need is going to be here in about two weeks. I will be waiting.

The Untouchables A RobertIDK x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن