5. In Pursuit, part two

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Sakura and Syaoran circled the dark galleries, and at the opposite end they found a likely way down, catching a glimpse of a corridor that split away and sloped downwards. Heading towards it, they neared another niche, and heard a quiet sobbing coming from its darkness.

    The two exchanged looks, and proceeded cautiously. Rounding the corner, they saw a figure in light-coloured robes crouching by the far wall, knees drawn tightly into the chest, head bowed, face obscured with a tangled mane of dark red hair. Slowly, so as not to startle the stranger, Sakura took a few tentative steps forward.

    The figure in the corner lifted its head, and the look of hope that flashed across the tear-streaked face gave way to panic, eyes darting like that of a cornered animal. Sakura took in the pale freckled skin and the messy, wavy locks that fell about the figure's shoulders. A young... man? A girl? She couldn't tell. Something about the heart-shaped face and wide-set eyes defied determination.

    "It's ok," Sakura said quickly, in a gentle tone. "We're won't hurt you. We're not enemies."

    "Who are you?"

     Sakura recognized the voice. This had been 'Kira,' from the conversation they've overheard not long ago.

    "It's kind of a long story," said Sakura. "We are not from around here, and we're also looking for a way out. Maybe you can help us?"

    Kira eyed them suspiciously, eyes widening as they took in Syaoran. Though he had hung back, letting Sakura negotiate, he had not relaxed his stance and the bare blade in his hand glinted with cold purpose.

    "Why... why are you here?" Kira said, stammering a bit.

     "We are looking for something very precious to me, but we are a little lost," said Sakura tentatively, and taking another step forward, knelt beside Kira. She smiled encouragingly, and under her kind smile Kira seemed to relax a bit.

    "Are you in the Order? I have never seen you..."

    "We're not," Sakura said, choosing her words carefully. "We... we are strangers here. We don't know much about this place."

    Kira's eyes widened once more, searching Sakura and Syaoran's faces for clues.

    "But... you're oodoi... Aren't you? Have you come here to take the Trial? Where are you from?"

    "I don't understand," Sakura said gently. "What's an oodoi?"

    Kira looked at her rather strangely.

    "How do you mean? We are oodoi; the ones in the middle... Though, you two look like you have chosen to live on either side of the middle," Kira added, cryptically. Sakura had no idea what any of this meant, but decided she had no time to press the issue. Perhaps things will become clearer as they went along. Right now, what they needed was a way out. She smiled at Kira again.

    "Please, we just need to get out of here. Is there an exit on the lower floor?"

    "Do you mean the shrine?" Kira's voice wavered, rising. "But you cannot go down there! It's forbidden! And besides, the Trial is about to begin... It's dangerous, when the Trial goes on, for anyone who is not initiated to be there. And, the priests could see you," Kira whispered the last words in an undertone, as if these priests could hear them even here.

    Sakura frowned. "What is this Trial? What is it for?"

    Kira looked at her in disbelief. "You know, the Trial... everyone knows it. You have to pass to be initiated into the Order and to serve the king. Only those who pass are deemed worthy. I... I was supposed to take the Trial today..." Kira's voice faltered and broke into quiet sobs again. "I... I was supposed to be there... But Lin and I had an argument, and I lost track of time, and now... I don't know what will happen to me..."

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