Chapter 26

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(( Kellin pov ))

As soon as I left Vic's house I ripped open the next envelope and read what it said.

Clue #4
You have a great memory love, but will you get the next one? Go to where I asked you to be my boyfriend and look carefully

I smiled and I knew exactly where that was. And Rian doesn't even have to drive there.

I run into my house and up to my room and look around the bed and everything. Until I find it. I'll clean my room again later. I find it laying in between my sheets.

I go out to Rian's car and open this next envelope.

Clue #5
Great job! You have a great memory but know lets put it to the test. Go to the place we had lunch on my first day at school. Look for the familiar faces!

We're these supposed to be hard, cause I remember and they seem to be obvious. Or I just have a great memory.

I'm going to say both.

"Rian drive to the school" I told him, he nodded and we were off.

After a short ride to the school I hopped out of the car and walked to the back of the school out to the football field and the picnic tables that are there.

I did see two familiar faces there. It was Jenna and Tay. I'm not really friends with Tay, but she's nice and she's really close to Jenna.

They wave to me and hand me the next one. They only say "happy birthday" I tell them "thank you" and I'm on my way.

I got back to the car and opened this envelope.

Clue #6
Awesome memory Kels! Great job on getting this far, were nearing the end. And I can't wait to see you and hear all about this. But for now you really need to think. Go to the place I was heading when I first said 'I love you' to you. And you'll see a surprise.

I need to think about this. But then I remember that was the day Vic sent the voice message and he was going to-

"The court! Go there" I yelled at Rian. He drove away from the school.

This was a longer drive then the others but it wasn't that bad. We arrived at the court house and were greeted by Mike standing there at the front gate. He handed it to me and I went back to Rian's car, but Mike climbed into the back seat, and we were on our way, once again.

I ripped open this one and read it.

Clue #7
Great job darling, this is the second to last clue now go to where we had our first date. I hope you remember that romance is key.

This was easy we drove where we had our first date it was on that hill over looking LA. That was such a great night.

I tell Rian and he drove that way. And we it took a while, cause Rian took a wrong turn and had to turn around to go the right way, but we eventually got there and all was well.

I was handed another envelope by Nick this time. He said "happy birthday" too and then I went again back to the car. Nick followed and got in the backseat with Mike.

I opened this one and read the clue.

Clue #8
Ok Kels, this is the last one. And I can't wait to see you. Now I hope your hungry and ready for a great night. The clues may be over but our night isn't, now head to where your eyes remind me of.

I blushed while reading that one. Vic is so sweet and creative. I can't wait to see him and to also see what he has in store for me when I arrive.

Living Like A King -Kellic Where stories live. Discover now