Chapter 10

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(( Vic pov ))

I thought about that everyone was saying about this situation, and to be quite honest it's driving me crazy.

I had to take a few days off from school it's was that overwhelming. Really it's a lot to take in what everyone was saying. And the kiss from Kellin, that is what's making this harder.

After I talked to Jaime and Tony about this. They didn't really say much about it. They said that if they had known then they would have taken us home, but they weren't mad, they understood that we were young at the time and didn't know what to do. But they love us and would do anything for us. They also said if Mike and I really want to go back then they will take us back.

I have to get out of the house for a while, hopefully it'll take my mind off of everything.

I go out to my car and just drive. I don't know where I'm going to go, but I just need to get out.

As I'm driving I pass by a pizzeria, so I park my car and decide to go inside and get something, I order a slice of pizza and sit down at one of the tables. I sit there and eat the pizza really slow.

"Why so melancholy?"

I looked up to see someone standing in front of me. I didn't even see them walk up to me. This guy had bright red hair and was wearing all black, and a leather jacket.

"What?" I said but came out more like a question.

"Why so sad, kid?" He asked again.

"Just everything I guess" He nodded at me.

"Wanna tell me what's buggin' you?" He asked me.

I thought for a minute. I don't know this person, why should I tell them. However he may be able to give a non biased answer to help me out it maybe it's worth a shot.

"But I don't know you?" He chuckled at me.

"I'm Gerard" he said.

"I'm Vic"

"Nice to meet you Vic, now what's up?" He said sliding into the booth seat opposite me.

I bit my bottom lip, debating if to should say or not.

"Ok well I'll tell you the shortest version I can ok" I told him, and he nodded.

"Ok well basically seven years ago I was in a car accident with my younger brother and my father. My father died as a result of it. And me and my brother ran away, cause it was our fault in the first place. Then we were picked up by these two guys who are now our best friends, and they sort of raised us. But then a few a few days ago while I was at work I ran into my childhood best friend, Kellin. We used to live next door to each other. I was so shocked to see him, but he was even more shocked to see me, cause he thought I was dead, or at least that's what people kept saying that we all died. Anyway, Kellin, my old friend, was trying to get me to go back home, and to bring my brother, and I don't know what to do, plus on top of that he kissed me and its really confusing me. When I went to tell my brother and my friends they only made the decision harder and more confusing" I explained to him.

"Well thats something, I have an idea,..." He said.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"Think of it like this, hopefully it'll make sense, do you like it where you are right now?... "

"Kind of"

"Do you have anything to go back too?.... "

"Yes, I have my mother and my friends there" I said.

"Does your brother want to go back"

"I don't know I didn't ask him" I said.

"Ok, you said your friend kissed you right" I nodded. "Do you like him? And or does he like you?"

"I don't know I haven't seen him in years"

"Do you like him?" Gerard asked again.

"I don't know....... Maybe, a little...... I really don't know"

"Did you like the kiss? If you did then you probably like him"

I didn't respond.

"Ok now then, think. Make a list of the pros and cons of staying and going back. After all this should have an answer. If not then think of it in a different way, but if your really stuck ask someone else, but it's really up to you, no one can make a decision for you, you have to know what you want, and don't give up until you get what you want" he told me.

I have never thought any of this before.

"Thank you, I'll think about that, and what you said and consider the options"

"Good, now eat your pizza it's getting cold" he said, then he smiled at me at got out of the booth and walked off.

I ate the pizza and went back to my car and drove home. To consider what he said.

I went into my room and closed the door I didn't want to be bothered. I took out a sheet of paper and started to make a list of the pros and cons list he said.


After about an hour of thinking, contemplating and weighing my options. I have my list. I just stare at it.

Pros of staying: finishing school, my current friends, my job, get to keep ignoring my past.

Pros of going back: getting to see mama again, getting to see Kellin again, Mike and I will have our own rooms again, it's LA, getting to see my other family again.

Cons of staying: continuing to live off of Tony and Jaime and intruding on them more, I'll continue to miss mama and my friends there

Cons of going back: I'll have to deal with people staring and questioning me and Mike, dealing with my uncle, facing my past.

It seems clear that there's not much holding me back here, not as much as I thought there was. Maybe it is more logical to go back. I'll just have to face it and take what ever comes our way.

Now I just have to tell Mike.

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