I put on my jeans and picked a white turtle crop top with fit slit at my stomach. I applied a light makeup, pink shade lipstick and let my wavy hair fall along my shoulder. I put on my black boots and grab my purse then headed out of my room.

I knock on the door where Dinah stayed "come in" I heard her screamed from the other side. I turn the knob open seeing the blonde girl frantically running around the room. "This is your fault Mila, you got me drunk really bad last night! I have planned on packing this morning but I haven't done that because obviously my hangover got in the way. Now Ally is giving me death threat if we'll miss our flight to New York!" she poses from her rant and looks at me "are you coming with us, back in New York?"

I finally let out the laugh I've been holding from all the rant and blames of her hangover, I move towards the chair, the only vacant space inside the room. "First, your hangover is not my fault. You're the one insisted on going to a club. Second, you are the one who ordered different kind of drinks last night and lastly, I won't be able to come with you guys. Since, we don't have incoming project yet I've decided to stay here for awhile. I have to settle everything and I still need to talk to Lauren with regards to the arrangement."

"Based from last night's event, I think you too will be good partners. I mean in business and in 'couple marriage thing' life" she continued putting her stuff in her suitcase.

"You think so? I'm not confident with this one D, you know I haven't been in real relationship yet. I haven't submitted myself to commitments yet. Do we even have connection? What if she won't ever fall in love with me or I won't be able to fall for her? What if I mess up and disappoint her and our parents?" I sigh heavily and looked down at my hands playing my ripped jeans.

"What are you even worrying? Maybe you haven't noticed but I did saw how the two of you connected in so many ways. Over the weekend we've spent on their house I saw how you and Lauren stare each other. You look at her with full of interest and don't even try to deny it. And for your question if she could possibly fall for you, is Camila Cabello, the famous charmer seriously doubting herself now? C'mon no one had ever turned down Ms. Camila Cabello! And definitely not one Lauren Jauregui." she kinked her eyebrow and cross her arms in her chest tapping her one foot on the floor.

Dinah really knew how to build up my confidence when I feel get insecure. I smiled pushing my body up to stand up with confidence. "You are right! I'll make Lauren Jauregui fall for Camila Cabello!" I can do this I just need to step up my game a little. I smirk at the thought and excitement I'm feeling to this new challenge.

"Damn right!" Dinah raised her hand to give me a high five. We heard Ally's voice coming in the room "what are you two idiots doing? Come on Dinah Jane we're gonna be late! Damn Mila you look hot!" Dinah rolled her eyes and grab her suitcase.

"Awwe thanks Allycat." I come up to and hug my little sunshine. "C'mon vamonos three idiots!" I raised my hands and marched out of the room passing Ally at the door followed by Dinah. We all walked down the stairs and found my mom telling Lorenzo to help Ally and Dinah put their bags on my car.

Ally and Dinah said their goodbyes to mom while I wait for them outside the car tossing my keys lightly in the air. After seeing Lorenzo closed the compartment of the car he walks towards me "Ms. Karla, would you like me to drive them with you? So you can have someone to unload the luggage in the airport?" Oh! I haven't thought about that.

"You're a genius Lorenzo." I smiled at him and throw him the key. "Vamonos amigas!" I called for my two friends and ask my mom to borrow her driver "Mom, I've changed my mind I'll let Lorenzo drives us, would that be okay?"

"No problem mija, take care girls. Come back anytime okay?" she waves her hands to us before we all hopped in in the car.


Business Deal (Camren)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon