"How soon can I leave?"

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The alarm went off and I opened my eyes, looking for the puppies. They were gone and I assumed Tommy went to feed them. I got out of bed in a good mood and grabbed my leggings, dance top and a pair of uggies. The days had begun getting colder and colder. All this cold weather was making me miss London even more, if that was even possible. I walked into my bathroom, taking off my clothes and stepping into the shower. My large bathroom mirror was in front of my shower and I noticed I still had my bruising and my lip had just begun healing up. I had a small bruise above my eye and on my cheek bone. My ribs no longer had old bruising colours of brown and yellow, but were now black and blue, from falling down the stairs the other day. It felt like it would never go away, and that I would be stuck with black and blue bruising forever. I then began to think about Nathan, about how much he made me smile, even when he was crazy. I sighed and began turning off the taps and getting out. I grabbed a towel and began drying my sore body. I got changed into my clothes and didn't worry about makeup or hair; I just chucked my hair up in a bun. I made my way down the stairs and saw Tommy feeding the dogs. I grabbed and apple off the bench and headed to the door.

"I'll be back later Tommy. Money's on my bed side table!" I yelled to him, as I picked up my dance bag.

"Good luck!" he yelled after me, I said my thanks and jogged out the door and started walking down my road and onto the main road. I stood by the bus stop and sat under the shelter as it began to rain. I began going over the dance moves in my head, counting and tapping my finger. The bus had pulled up and I ran into it, paying the driver and taking a seat in front of a boy in a hoodie. I pulled my iPod from my bag, as I did my book fell out of my bag and the bus turned a corner quickly. The book flew under my chair and behind me. I moaned and put my head upside down and under my seat. When I did I met another upside down face.

"I'm guessing this is yours?" he said, with a sweet smile. I laughed,

"Yeah." I replied, smiling. We both sat up and he handed it to me over the seat. "Thanks."

"No problem, I noticed you're reading Harry Potter. Are you like one of those rare girls that are pretty and like Harry Potter?" he asked, flipping his golden hair.

"Must be." I said nodding and smiling.

"Didn't know that girls like you existed." he said and I laughed. "I'm Bronson by the way." he said, holding out his hand. I took it,

"Lainey." I said, he continued to shake my hand for I don't know how long and the bus came to a stop. I raised my eyebrow and looked at his hand and then his face. He pulled away quickly and awkwardly and someone sat beside me.

"Bronson, picking up helpless girls again?" The boy who sat beside me said. I moved closer to the window and looked out it.

"Yeah, you know you're real funny Peter." Bronson retorted back, sarcastically. I took a quick glance and mentally groaned, was it hot guy day today? The boy who sat beside was smart looking but was buff and had a cute face. I rolled my eyes as they continued to talk about picking me up, as if I wasn't there. I slipped in my earphones and turned to the song I would be dancing to, Lie To Me, The Wanted. I had picked it the day after we all went to the beach together. I felt the two of them standing at me and I sighed and looked out the window some more. I saw the dance studio approaching and I didn't care if I had to walk an extra five minutes; I needed to get away from these two. I picked up my bag and zipped it up, clutching my Harry Potter book to my chest.

"Sorry, my stop, excuse me." I said standing up, the second guy smirked but stood up and I walked to the front. The driver stopped the bus and I hopped off, the bus began driving off and I saw Bronson give me a sad smile and wave, I waved back and turned to walk away.

It was just a short walk and before I knew it I was sitting inside the studio, waiting to be called. I took a deep breath and fidgeted with my fingers.

"Miss Fabics." the young lady behind the desk called. I stood up and the other dancers around me smiled at me, and wished me luck. I walked into the room and stood in front of an older stricter looking woman. I took a deep breath and got into my pose,

"You may go when the music begins." she said sternly. I heard the first note go on and I closed my mind and relaxed, forgetting everything in the world. I moved my body and reached the part with the jump and thought of the person I least expected. Nathan. I thought of his smile and laugh and did it, as I landed I struck the ending pose.

I opened my eyes and looked at the stern woman; she scribbled something down and chuckled to herself, which made me nervous. She looked up, "Well Miss Fabics, I don't think I need to say anything other than, you're in." she said, "A spot has opened up in London. Would you be willing to live there?" she asked. I froze, London. Home. But what about all my friends I made? "It's an amazing opportunity; I would think you were stupid not to take it. Other girls would kill to be in this position." she said, raising a brow. I took a deep breath,

"How soon can I leave?" I asked, she smiled broadly. 


This is only short, but i wanted to upload two chapters, since i havent uploaded

Photo on the side, are the guys she met on the bus.

(EDITING AND ON VERY LONG HOLD) All I've Ever Wanted (a Nathan Sykes love story)Where stories live. Discover now