It was bound to Happen

Start from the beginning

                “I would have thought as much. My father will always plan ahead for things like this although he has never had to use extra plans before,” I spoke.

                She nodded before her eyes went distant obviously communicating via mind link. I kept drinking the hot chocolate before eating one of the slices of toast.

                “Right. I must get going. He is sorry. He just doesn’t use his head and doesn’t understand your situation like I do,” Julia explained.

                I nodded as she left the room. This left me too my own thoughts for a while. Maybe, I was too harsh. I just don’t want him to hear and worry about the things that have happened to me. I don’t want him to get to close and attached. I know he already is. I love him already but it is best if I leave him. It would be selfish to stay.

                I sighed before I finished off the last of my breakfast. I placed the tray on the desk before slowly walking up to the window which was so big it had a window seat. I sat on the window seat and curled up in it. I looked outside to see everything that was going on. This is what I usually did.  

                I looked out upon the backyard and the people in it. The grass was perfectly green even with the winter chill of October drawing in. The wind was rustling and blowing gently through the tree tops. I opened the edge of my window slightly so I could feel the cold air blow soothingly over my skin. I heard the laughter then. I followed the sound then which landed on a group of children playing duck, duck, goose.

                I laughed slightly as I watched a young girl chase a boy around the circle but not managing to catch him in time. It was so cute and so adorable. I watched as something obviously happened. The back doors opened and out ran a load of men. They ran towards to the forest edge line before shifting. I stood up suddenly. Something was happening. I watched as Michael ran out changing into his brown wolf and off into the forest.

                I watched then as Xander ran out with another group of warriors. I got worried then. Xander would be fighting. I don’t want to see him hurt. I looked at him as he charged forward. He turned around and looked directly at me. I pressed my hands against the window, my face full of worry.

                I will be fine. He mouthed before turning around and shifting into his huge and nearly fully black wolf. I watched as his retreating figure charged into the forest. I began to pace back and forth. I was worried for Xander. I was really worried. The rogues are relentless and vicious. They don’t hesitate they kill. They see it as a fun thing to do. They see it as a hobby and a competition between them to see who killed the most. It is sick.

                I went to stand by the window again. The women were beginning to gather the children up to take them inside for safety. However, some of the children were being reluctant. They still wanted to play. They didn’t understand what was going on. The women frantically tried to get the children inside but there were still a good ten children left outside and five women.

                Suddenly, I caught the smell from my slightly open window. I caught the smell of rogues. I searched frantically glancing at the tree line. I spotted easily ten rogues in their wolf forms. This was part of their plan. Get all the warriors away and attack the vulnerable back at the pack house. As soon as mates at the pack house start dying and the warriors feel it, their loss would consume them. They would be easy to take down. This was their plan. I watched a rogue stepped out of the forest stalking towards the prey.

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