f o u r

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" did you drop her? "

" yes, but it wasn't easy or pretty. "

" have you never broken up with anyone before? "

" it's weird. "

" don't tell me i helped you break up with your first girlfriend. "

" you didn't help me break up with my first girlfriend, i promise. but, you helped me break up with my sister's best friend. "

" dumbass. "

" i should've never dated her, i know. "

" then why did you? "

" i didn't wanna hurt her feelings. "

" that's horrible. you are horrible. "

" i know, i messed up. "

" we'll be late if you don't hurry up! "

" who was that? was that a guy? does book nerd have a boyfriend?"

" i need to go. "

dial tone•

" i'm not jealous right? "

" give me a second, lia! "

" well hurry! "

rip peanut head

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