f i v e

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" why won't you just leave me alone? "

" why should i? you're the whole reason we know each other. "

" because of an accident. "

" what if i said that i accidentally called you? "

" i'd know you were lying. "

" who was the guy that interrupted us last time? "

" lia. "

" wait...it wasn't a dude? "

" no, i'm too much of a nerd to have any friends, let alone a boyfriend. remember? "

" harsh words have been said. "

" why are you talking to me? "

" because i want to. "

" what's your name? "

" alec. "

" i know an alec. he's long gone though. "

" long gone? "

" moved. "

" you sure that i'm not him? "

" he lives in canada now. "

" ah. "

" did you want anything else? "

" ... "

" alec? "

" what's your name? "

" i'm not gonna tell you. "

" what do you look like? "

" a nerd. "

• dial tone •

" thank god that's over. "

" dammit. "

i'm procrastinating in taking bookstagram pics ugh

bookstore bluesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora