t h r e e

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" i need help. "

" no shit, you keep calling a girl you don't know. "

" this is not the time for sarcasm, nerd. "

" think of a better nickname for me and maybe i'll help you. "

" just help me. please. "

" fine. what's wrong? "

" i don't know how to break up with my girlfriend. "

" no, i'm not your relationship counselor. get some balls and dump her if you don't wanna be with her. "

" but... "

" i. don't. care. "

" book girl, please. "

" tell her that you don't wanna be with her anymore. then avoid her at school. "

" i go to an impossibly small school. you see everyone everyday. "

" that's sucks, dude. "

" so what do i do? "

" you dump her in private. "

•dial tone•

" i'm a great person. "

" crap, crap, crap. "

i love this so much

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