"Alright." He let us into the big place. I met with FIR's manager first, then they sent me to costumes and hair and makeup. They put me in an old looking strapless white dress, white ballet-like shoes, and they curled my hair, pulling two parts back, putting foundation, mascara, and a natural-looking lip gloss.

They sent me out to the set to do some things, and I messed up only a few times. Then I got to meet Ronnie and he actually was nice. He messed around a lot, and it kept messing up some takes. Some things we both couldn't take seriously and we laughed. Right before the last take with me in it was shot, I asked Scout what time it was. She said, "Seven."

"They're just now letting people in then. So that leaves me with a couple of hours until I need to be there to see them and sell merch. Cool."

I went back up and I kept telling myself not to mess up this last take and I didn't, surprisingly. So when the director yelled, "Cut!" , I hugged all of Falling In Reverse, they gave me their numbers, and I hurried to the dressing room and changed back into what I was wearing. I kept my hair and face the same and walked out to Scout and Carolyn.

I gave Scout a hug. "Thank you for watching Carolyn."

"Oh no problem! We had fun! Good job on the video by the way. It looks like it will be amazing. I just know it."

I smiled. "I hope so."

She hugged me. "Bye Alesana. I'll text you later."

"Alright!" We went our different ways and I put Carolyn in her car seat and drove to the venue. I parked in the back with the other bands' tourbuses and walked in with Carolyn, showing the guy my pass and ID.

Motionless In White was playing now, so I quickly dodged some fans and went behind the merch table with Sammi, Crystal, October, Rosie, and Celia. I kept Carolyn occupied and entertained with things behind the table as we sold merch.

Then Sammi and I ran over backstage to set up the big sheet. We got the crowd chanting Black Veil Brides and finally, we dropped the sheet and walked off the stage and back over to the merch table and watched. I missed going to their shows.

Then after the show, the guys appeared behind us for their meet and greet. When CC walked up behind me he grabbed my waist. I said, "Ah! You're sweaty!"

He chuckled. "Nice to see you too, babe."

"Hello hunny." I smiled.

He kissed me and looked at Carolyn, who was sleeping on the only comfortable chair here. We sold merch and at the end of the tables, the guys were meeting with anxious fans and signing things. It was all done at midnight. He drove us home and he put Carolyn in bed.

He took a shower and came out a bit later in only his BVB basketball shorts. I changed into boxer shorts and a black tank top. He laid down next to me in bed and said, "So how was the music video?"

"It was good. I'm all done, and the video should be out by Christmas."

"Wow. I'm excited to see how it is."

I pulled out my phone and said, "They put me in this." I showed him a picture. He said, "Wow. You got all dolled up."

"Yep. I played as someone Ronnie went out with or whatever. It was fun."

"Well that's good."

"Yep. So are you excited to be back on tour?"

"I'm always excited. Even more now since you and Carolyn are coming." He smiled and his arm rested across my waist.

I grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach. "You can't forget, so is this little one. Oh and the appointment moved up to the Pomona date. So it's the day after tomorrow we see if the baby is healthy. The normal stuff."

Married to a Rockstar. Sequel to Girlfriend of a Rockstar.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora