Chapter Eleven

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Lauren's POV

Nine days into the Jingle Ball...

It had been a little more than a week since we started the Jingle Ball tour. And Y/N's still not talking to me. I tried everything. I bought her a new toy, a new dress, offered to color with her. Nothing worked. It's over. She hates me. And it was tearing me apart. And apparently, everyone could see it.

"Still nothing?" Mani asking while sitting beside me on the couch in our dressing room.
"Not even a "hi"." I said while looking at my baby playing around with Ally and Camila. "And she even seems happier now. Maybe I was the problem."
"Don't you dare say that." She scolded me.
"But is the truth. Maybe I should stop trying."
"Lauren, don't."
"And maybe I should give her up for Ally to adopt her, because she clearly loves her more." I said standing up and leaving.

I walked out of the building and into the street. I started to walk around the streets of Philadelphia looking for a quiet place to just sit down and think.
I came across this park and because it was a little bit chilly, there was practically nobody out.
I sat at this bench near a small pond and put my head between my legs and my hands on top of my head.

"I'm so stupid." I said to myself.

I felt my phone buzz and looked at it only to see another twitter notification about my kiss with Brad. I huffed.
You see, that no lipped asshole took a selfie of our "kiss", if you could even call it that, it didn't even lasted five seconds, thank God. Well, he posted it and now everyone thought I we were fucking. The media went crazy and so did the fans, on both sides. The Harmonizers thought it was Photoshop and the Vampettes thought it was real and that I was playing their idol, in other words, they were hating on me, hard.

I was told by management not to say anything about the matter, so my words wouldn't get used against me. But it was so much worse just sitting there and watching as people degraded my image and talked shit about my life, but the worst of all was, losing my daughter in the process.

Half an hour before the show...

After staying out for a while I decided it was time to go back, so I walked all the way back to the venue and as soon as I walked through the door of the dressing room all I received were glares.

"Where were you?! We were calling you and you wouldn't answer!" Ally yelled in my face. Oh hell no. You don't get to take my daughter away and still yell at me.
"I turned it off to avoid people like you calling me all the time. And, why do you even care where I was? Not that it concerns you whatever the hell happens to me." I spat in her face walking past her to get my outfit.
"W-what? Of course I care, you're my best friend." She said sounding upset.
"Oh, yeah, right. Sure, Ally."
"Y-Y/N was scared. She thought you left her." She said stuttering a little. "But she's better now, I calmed her down and she's with Sinu, now."
"Great. I'm happy she had you to turn to. And since she loves you so much more, why don't you just keep her? Seems like she wants you more, and you're already such a great mother." I fake smiled, trying too hard to hold in my tears.
"Lo, that's not true, she-" I cut her off.
"Save it. I'm going to get dressed somewhere else." And with that I left.

I left to get dressed somewhere else and when I came back I only had fifteen more minutes to get my make-up ready. Clarissa, our makeup artist, rushed me to a chair and started to work on my face, and being the makeup genius she is, finished in less than ten minutes.

Within the next few minutes we were ready to go, but apparently there was a tech problem that would take a while to be fixed, so Will, the tour manager, decided we should do this one interview that was supposed to be after the show, but oh well.

Save Me (Adopted by Lauren Jauregui) (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now