Chapter 25

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Liam's POV

I sighed "I think I love her." I said and soon my ears were bleeding with Violet's squelling.

"Give me a sign before giving me ear cancer would you." I said she just rolled her eyes and looked at me excited.

"So..." she looked at me like I was gonna say something interesting.

"So?" I said but it came out more as a question she rolled her eyes again.

"When are you gonna tell her!!!"

"I don't know. It's not that easy. I am terrified if she doesn't say it back."

"You can tell her on Friday."

I looked at Violet "You mean at our birthday?" This Friday it'll be our 18th birthday.

"Yes and make sure the moment is perfect." She said squelling once again.

So that is it I am in love with Brooklyn Stanford.

Brooklyn's POV

So Friday is Liam and Violet's birthday and I went shopping earlier and got Violet the dress she always wanted. It was a yellow dress with black flowers.

And Liam I got him the fault in our stars book and a watch. He wanted the book from a long time but didn't get it since he wanted to keep his bad boy reputation.

But I don't know for some reason I began to have this weird feeling when I am around Liam. Not in a bad way though. It's like I just want to stay for more time with him. Miss him more even if it's only for 5 minutes. Want to kiss every time I see him. I just love him. Okay I'm in love with him.

Could I? No it's too early to love him is it?

Me and Violet were walking to our lockers when I asked her what's on my mind.

"How do you know that you're in love?" I asked without thinking.

She shoot her head up and her eyes grew wide in relisation to what I said and for some reason started squelling.

"I will never understand you." I said shaking my head.

"Your in love with Liam!"

"Wait one second I didn't say that."

She just ignored me and completed her mini celebration.

The bell rang and I left Violet still celebrating walking to my class when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me to a hidden place or something.

I was gonna scream until I saw the person.


He smiled "Hey"

"Don't you hey me why did you pull me here."

"I will explain just give me a second."

I nodded proving that I am listening.

"So as you know Violet and Liam's birthday is in 2 days, right?"

I nodded.

"Well I was thinking why not plan them a surprise party since they didn't want a party but we can both orgnize one for them I mean who doesn't like parties."

"That's a great idea!!!"

He nodded "We can start preparing tomorrow."

I nodded and went to my class

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