Part 13: Truth or Dare

Start from the beginning

"Oppa, please wake up. Don't leave me" I sobbed into his hand, hoping he would wake up.

"Wake up...please" I pleaded letting the tears fall down my cheeks.

I stood up to walk out the room with red puffy eyes. I slid the door and there were 7 tall guys waiting outside. Jungkook, Jin and V on the floor, Rapmon and Jhope sitting on the chair with their heads down, Suga's and Jimin's head were against the wall. Watching them like this broke my heart, although we aren't that close, they're worried because of a stupid, useless girl.

"You guys don't have to come home with me, we got school tomorrow, get some rest" I insisted.

"No, we're coming with you" Jungkook said grabbing my wrist.

"I really don't think-"

"Let's go" Rapmon cut me off and led the way out of the hospital. I stood there sighing and followed them out.




We arrived at my house and I unlocked it for them to come in.

"Sorry if it's messy" I said, grabbing things and placing it to its original place.

"All good" Jimin said and took a seat on the couch and the others joined him.

"There's nothing to do at my house. Yong Suk is always in his room doing paper work and I'm always in my room doing homework or other stuff" I said leaning my side against the wall.

"Let's play truth or dare!" V suggested looking at the bottle on the ground.

"Okay!" I agreed and sat myself on the floor. The rest followed and we made a circle.

"I'll spin it!" Jhope gushed. He spun it and it landed on Jin.

"Truth or dare?" Jhope asked.

"Dare because I'm a gentleman" Jin said proudly and we just laughed.

"I dare you to run outside and shout out saying that you're the most beautiful princess in the world!" Rapmon suggested and Jin nodded heading outside.

"I AM THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS IN THE WORLD!" He shouted and the people on the streets gave him weird looks as if he's some sort of maniac. Well, he sort of was.

"Done" Jin said walking in.

"My turn to spin" Jin said giving out an evil chuckle. He spun the bottle and it landed on V.

"V! Truth or dare?" Jin asked.

"Truth" He answered.

" it true that you like Samantha?" Jin asked and I could already see his cheeks turning rosy.

"Do you?" I asked moving in close to hear an answer and he slightly nodded.

"Knew it" I said backing away to my original spot and the others started teasing V.

"Samhyung!! Oh my, what a cute ship name. I'm telling her tomorrow" Jungkook teased and we all laughed.

"No don't tell her!! Please!" V pleaded giving Jungkook the puppy eyes.

"Alright alright" Jungkook said and we all settled down.

"I'll spin this" V said grabbing the bottle and spun it. It landed on Jimin.

"Jimin! Truth or dare?" V asked excitedly.

"Dare" Jimin replied and V sat there thinking of a dare for him.

"I dare you to go out onto the streets and act like a gorilla" V smirked.

"Are you serious?" Jimin asked.

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