Part 13: Truth or Dare

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~Jungkook's POV~

"But..." The doctor added.

"But what?" Song Young asked in a whisper.

"WHAT?!" She now screamed at the top of her lungs, causing the doctor to flinch.

"Song Young-ah, we're in a hospital. Don't scream," I said, pulling her into a hug, as I gently stroked her hair.

"The thing is, your brother...he is in a coma and-"

"A coma?" Song Young asked, cutting him off.

"Yes," The doctor said, and politely bowed before heading off to who knows where.

"Coma?" Song Young repeated falling to the ground.

"Song Young, it's going to be okay. He's going to wake up soon," Jimin said, trying to comfort her.

"It's going to be okay? YOU THINK THIS IS OKAY?!" Song Young screamed and we dragged her out of the hospital to stop her from yelling anymore.




I was holding Song Young's hand as we walked to a nearby bench outside the hospital.

"Sorry" She suddenly said sitting on the bench.

"What for?" I asked in confusion.

"For embarrassing you guys back at the hospital"

"It's fine, nothing to be sorry about. We're always here to help" I said trying to earn a smile on her face and there it was. Her sweet smile I've been willing to see, emerged from her face.

"I don't know what to do anymore, I can't live without him" She said looking down at the concrete below us.

"I mean, we can visit you after school and on the weekends to accompany you since you're going to be living by yourself" I added.

"No, I think that's too much to ask for. Plus, final exams are coming up and I don't want you guys to fail. Focus on your work first" She argued back but I just shook my head.

"I think that's a great idea!" Suga suddenly said out of nowhere.

"Don't you think?" He added turning to look at Rap Monster and he nodded.


"No buts, we're going home with you now" Rapmon cut her off wrapping his arms around her shoulder.

"Ahh my shoulder" Song Young yelled out glaring at Rapmon

"Sorry sistaaa" Rap Mon apologised in english.

"It's okay brotherrrr" She replied back in english. It's going to be hard to understand these two when they talk in english...

"Before we go, I'm going to visit my brother if that's okay" She said and we nodded.




"Did she say room 211?" Song Young asked trying to find her brother's room.

"209, 210. Ah! 211" She said pointing out to the room.

"You guys can wait outside for me, you don't have to come in" She said and we nodded.

~Song Young's POV~

I walked in the cold room to see Yong Suk lying down on the hospital bed, unconscious. I slowly walked to him and sat myself down on a chair beside his bed. I grabbed his cold hand and gently caressed it.

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