Mr Kors Will See You Now

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The next morning I was wide awake, I checked the clock beside the bed. It was 8am; I didn't have to be at the airport for 7 hours. I looked over at Marshall and he was fast asleep. I giggled silently, he even looked angry when he was asleep. I shook my head and slowly climbed out of bed. I headed on over to the bathroom.

I walked in and closed the door. It was so clean, spotless, and not as masculine as I imagined. I walked over to the sink and noticed a brand new toothbrush sitting next to his in the holder, I mean, it was still wrapped in its plastic. I shrugged and opened it up and brushed my teeth.

That was better. Still, I needed a shower, so I turned over to the walk in shower, funnily enough, room for two. So I turned it on, I loved my showers hot, so I waited for it to heat up and I grabbed a clean towel off the counter and hung it over the towel rail. I pulled his t-shirt over my head and folded it up, placing it on the counter and then I stepped under the steaming water.

It felt good having the hot water running over my body. I stood there for a few minutes just processing everything that had happened over the last 24 hours. I'd just slept with Eminem. Was I really ready for this? Hailie and the girls thought I was. Maybe I was with a guy, but Marshall Mathers? Why did I suddenly doubt it? Deep down I knew why. I sighed. I was falling for this guy, and I'd not known him 5 minutes, and besides, as much as Hailie told me how much of a nice guy he was, all his past kept popping into my head and I was starting to freak out, could I handle all that? All the crap that comes with being with him?


I finished in the bathroom, still with the towel in my hand, drying my hair; I walked back to the bedroom and saw the bed empty. My hands dropped by my sides, why did I feel disappointed? God I was confusing myself now.

As I finished towelling my hair, I applied some fresh make-up from what I had in my bag and checked my hair. It was drying naturally and had a little wave to it. I sighed looking at myself. What the hell was going on with me? And him for that matter. Was I really just another notch on his bedpost now? I started to freak out that it was just the thrill of the chase now that he had had me. But a beep from my phone startled me, drawing my thoughts to whoever it could be. It was Marshall.

Come to the kitchen when you're done

I wondered what that was about. I grabbed my make-up, throwing it into my bag, checking I had everything, and leaving the room tidy I made my way down there. My stomach was in knots as I walked down the hall. But the smell of bacon wafted over my nostrils, making my stomach rumble.

As I turned the corner I saw him stood at the cooker, tea towel over his shoulder, flipping pancakes and listening to some tracks that I think were his on his Mac. I grinned as I walked over to him, before I reached the kitchen he turned round and saw me, greeting me with a smile, I was already giving him one. "Good mornin" he spoke, grabbing a plate off the counter. "Morning" I smiled back, as I carried on over to the kitchen. "Take a seat girl, it's nearly done" he said with his back to me, focusing on the pans in front of him. I did as he said and took a stool, he had already laid out cutlery and a small glass of orange juice for me and himself and a Mrs Butterworth was sitting between them. "You like pancakes girl?" he asked, flipping them then plating them up. "Oh, uhh..." I pulled a face as he turned to me, he looked at me a minute and then pushed the plate in front of me, "you had me then girl" smirking a little, then turning back and plating up some crispy bacon. I'd not smelt anything this good in a while.

Grabbing my bacon I threw it over my pancakes and covered the whole thing in syrup. As I stood Mrs Butterworth back on the counter I felt his eyes on me. I looked to him and he was grinning. "What?" I smiled at him, "you eat it up girl" he said, making me laugh. "Where do you put it?" he asked, making me gasp, "I aint that greedy!" I replied. He laughed, "yo I mean, you aint scared of what you eat are ya" he stated. I looked back at my plate and stabbed a rasher of bacon with my fork. "Not one bit" I answered him and then pushed the full thing into my mouth. He grinned at me and then started his assault on his own.

"So what time you gotta leave?" he asked, a mouth full of food. "I fly at 3pm" I told him, swallowing my food. He nodded, "I gotta be at the studio at 2" he told me in his dulcet tones. "Okay, I'll be going soon anyway; I gotta check my house before I leave." I told him, seeing him nod again. My doubts from earlier on had dissipated and I was enjoying his company this morning, and nothing at all felt uncomfortable. Maybe it was just me being silly. Maybe I needed to just sit back and enjoy getting to know him.


Marshall pulled up outside of my house. He insisted on giving me a ride back home from his place, even though the studio was back across town. "Thanks for the ride" I said, grabbing my bag off the back seat. He watched me with that smirk on his face. "I could say the same to you girl" he replied, causing me to snigger at him. That was the first time we had mentioned what happened last night. "Pleasure was all mine" smiling at him. "Nah, I enjoyed it too" he told me, making me laugh. "Well, I guess I'll see you around" I said, opening the car door. "That's all I get?" he asked me, making me pause. "Huh?" I asked him with a smile. He was grinning at me; "c'mon girl, I'm tryna play it cool..." he shrugged, his left arm hanging over the steering wheel. I giggled and sat a little back in my seat. "Well, what do you want?" I asked him, countering his initial statement. He looked down a little and then back at me. "I fuckin' want you girl" he told me, looking vulnerable. I smiled a little and bit my lip. "You already had me" I replied, referring to last night. "Fuck girl, more than that, you know it" he said, knowing I was playing him. I giggled, "well if you didn't already have me, you wouldn't have got what you did last night Marshall" I told him, moving over to him. His gaze moved to my mouth and his grin got a little bigger. I took my hand up to his face and gently caressed his cheek. "I'll see you later shady" I whispered, and then gently I kissed his lips, pushing my tongue into his mouth a little. I felt him push his lips a little harder into mine. I really didn't want to leave him, but I had to get my stuff together.

Reluctantly, I pulled away from him and looked at him. He looked at me in that way I knew he wanted me. Without saying a word I turned and climbed out of the car. I glanced at him one more time, he hadn't taken his eyes off me, and then I shut the door and turned away. Hearing his car drive off I sighed. I really was going to miss him....


I had been in New York for a week now, half of my time was up and i was well into the swing of things. I loved this town. Hailie and I were in separate hotels but we managed to see each other as much as we could, especially with the grueling schedule we were both on. And then on top of that was Marshall being here to visit Hailie. 

Today had been a well overdue daddy-daughter day and to be honest, a nice little break and time to myself for me. I'd had a date with Marshall a couple of nights ago and now I was needed back at my work, and that meant meetings all day with the designers and the boss himself, Mr. Kors. 

It was 9.30pm and the final meeting had just about finished. we were all exhausted and ready to grab some food, when the chief designer made his way over to me as i wrapped up my notepad. "Victoria, could you stay behind for a little while longer, I know you'll want to grab something to eat, but it wont take long" Kimball told me. I smiled politely and nodded, when really all I wanted to do was crawl into my bed and sleep. "Mr Kors would like a chat."

Oh shit.

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