First Date

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The next morning I was dressed and sat in the kitchen as Hailie was running around grabbing her last few things to put in her case. Marshall had just walked into the kitchen, white Nike hoodie on and his usual baggy jeans. "Mornin" he greeted me with a grin. "Morning" I replied, with just a cheeky smile as he gave me. I knew why he was grinning; he knew I had come in his house. I carried on eating my cereal as I looked at him, seeing Hailie running around in the background. She was never organised, I assumed she got that off her mum. Marshall walked behind me and went to grab some milk out of the fridge.


Soon it was time for Hailie to leave, but she couldn't shut her case. "Fuck Hailie what you takin?!" Marshall exclaimed looking at her case. "I need it all dad!" she sighed at him. "But you can't shut it baby!" he told her, as I walked over to them. "Sit on it Em" I told him. He looked at me with a Wtf expression. I grinned, "You're heavier than us, sit on it" I told him with a grin. "Yeah dad," Hailie encouraged him, pointing at the case. "Fuck sake man" he sighed and dropped down onto the case. Then me and Hailie bent down and tugged at the zips and finally got it shut. "Thanks Vick" she beamed at me as we stood up, "don't thank me, it was your dad's uh, muscle..." I teased. "Hey now!" he called at me. We both laughed at him and he picked up her luggage.

As we walked out of the house with her things, she locked up the house and threw her dad the keys as he shut her cases in the trunk. Then she turned to me, tears forming in her eyes. "Hey, no tears! I promise you, you'll have a fantastic time" I told her, knowing that I had been in her place. "And I'll be there in no time won't I" I nodded, looking into her eyes as I held onto her arms. She nodded and smiled, trying not to cave. "I love you," I said, pulling her in for a cuddle. "And in the meantime we're only a phone call away" I told her. She nodded again "I love you Vick" she squeezed me. When she pulled away she wiped a tear off her cheek, "look after him for me" she said, nodding at her dad, stood by the car. I turned to look at him watching us. "I will" I promised her with a laugh. She beamed at me and gave me one last cuddle. I must admit I was struggling not to shed a tear, but I held it together for her. "Ill see you soon!" I said, as she turned to the car. She looked at me and nodded. "I'll see you soon girl" Marshall called to me as Hailie climbed in the car. I nodded, smiled and then turned to my truck. Now I could feel upset I wasn't going to see her.

I watched Em climb into his car and then I started my engine and followed them out of the driveway. When we reached the end of the drive, they were going one way and I was going the other, so I beeped my horn at them and Hailie turned round and gave me a huge wave, I waved back and blew her a kiss and the car turned right and I couldn't see her anymore. I felt nervous excited for her. And maybe a little nervous as I was going home to get ready for my date with her dad. Shit...


Two hours later I was walking into a restaurant on my way to meet Marshall. "Hi, do you have a reservation?" the girl politely asked. "Yes, it's Armstrong," I replied, "oh yes, you're other member of the party is already seated" she said, realising who I was going to be dining with, started to eye me up and down a little. I rolled my eyes as she turned her back and asked me to follow her.

"Right through here miss" she said, opening a door at the back of the restaurant. "Thank you" I smiled at her kindly and stepped through, seeing a smaller room and only a few tables scattered around, ours being the only one occupied. He saw me enter the room and smiled at me, making my nerves ease a little. I walked over to him and as I approached he stood up and pull out my chair. "My you can be a gentleman when you want to be" I smiled as he pushed my chair under for me. "I don't know how long I can keep it up for though" he uttered as he then took his seat again, making me laugh. Then a waiter appeared before I could utter another syllable. "Thank you" I smiled as he poured me a glass of ice water and handed me a menu.

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