I Don't See Nothin' Wrong, With A Little Bump And Grind...

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Plenty of smuttage. You HAVE been warned!!

I was getting ready for another date with Marshall, I'd been on quite a few with him in these passed two weeks, and it was the last time I would see him until he flew out to New York for the fashion week. We had gotten to know each other pretty well, or as well as we could in two weeks, and things seemed to be going pretty well, much to our amazement. See, we were both pretty untrusting people and we seemed to have the same view on people and love.

But the way this guy was making me feel was unnerving me. I was surprised at how comfortable we were together, and how much I enjoyed his company, I was really going to miss him while I was in New York, and tonight, I wanted to show him...


After an amazing dinner, we climbed back into the car which was taking us to the next location. We arrived at the club we were meeting his friends at and I was feeling a little nervous. I couldn't tell you why, maybe it was because I was arriving with him this time, so it looked like we were more of a thing. I wasn't entirely sure what we were. Still, we were taken into the club via the back entrance and up the stairs to the VIP area as usual. Marshall tipped the guy and then he put his arm around me as he walked through the club, guiding me to where his guys were.

"Yo em!" they all called out, hands in the air, greeting him with hugs. "Hey Vick, girl, good to see you" they all greeted me in a similar way, although I got a few kisses off some of them. I was surprised that they were as welcoming as they were. They had drinks waiting for us and we all sat round huge table as we were drinking, talking and laughing. I felt so at ease with them, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting, even when two of the girls with them got up and asked me to dance with them.

"Yo man," kuniva leant forward to me, "what man?" I asked him, all the others were talking amongst themselves. "You banging that chick or what?" he asked, I looked at him with a sly grin, "she's my girl dog" I told him. "Your girl?" he asked, looking surprised. "You ain't just fuckin her?" he asked, I shook my head, I looked over at her with those two girls and grinned, she was lookin over at me. "I really like that chick, she ain't like all the others man,"

"She a virgin?!" kuniva asked in shock, making me piss myself, "no dog! Come on man!" I said through laughin, "she's classy, she ain't all up in everyone's face man, she's beautiful, clever, funny, and I ain't fucked her once man" I told him. "Fuck off shady!" he laughed, I looked at him seriously, "dude! Serious?!"


"Fuck! You got it bad man! You got it bad!" he said to me shaking his head. I just sat back in my chair, looking over at Vick, "yeah man, I have" I replied.


After a few dances, me and the other two girls headed back over to the guys again. "You alright baby?" he asked me as I sat down. "Uh-huh," I smiled at him as he put his arm on the back of my chair. He winked at me and then leant into my neck, "let me know what time you wanna leave" he said into my ear, as I was flying to NY tomorrow. "I'm okay, we'll stay as long as you want" I replied, looking into his eyes. He nodded at me seriously. "Yo em! Don't be keepin' her to yourself man!" Kuniva laughed, causing us to break our stare and look over at him, "let us get to know her, you get to take her home man!" he joked again, "fuck you man" Marshall grinned at him, then turned back to me, "ignore him girl, I'm gonna grab a drink, you want one?" he asked, "yes please" I nodded, making him do the same and wink at me as he got up and left the table, not before leaning down and saying something to kuniva that I couldn't hear.

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